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发表于 2016-5-11 16:21:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
陆本 + 工作经验:Global PR Agency official employment & Merchant Bank internship + Cornell JD今年录取(8月入学)

因为本科学的是国际政治专业,所以其实对法律和金融领域都一窍不通。之所以选择JD,是因为觉得法律行业入门门槛比较高,也算是一门傍身之技。现在在一家merchant bank实习,逐渐发现对M&A也蛮有兴趣,所以想等到法学院1年级读完之后申请JD/MBA joint degree,希望毕业以后可以进入投行或者咨询行业。问题如下:

1. 【选择3年制还是4年制】Cornell自己的JD/MBA项目分为两种,3年制和4年制。3年制项目会把JD1年级暑假的实习机会给挤掉,可能会不利于找工作;4年制则多读一年,从时间上看性价比有可能偏低。

2. 【JD/MBA项目中商学院对applicant的要求会偏低吗?】我的背景想申请top 15 biz school说实话是不够的。我之前看到有人评论说JD/MBA还是侧重于law的,所以相应地MBA那边会对申请者的要求放低一点。大家认为这是可能的吗?就此写邮件去问admission office是否合适?

3. 【JD/MBA的career path】Cornell的JD和MBA排名都不算好,如果希望毕业进入投行/咨询公司的话,找工作的timeline一般是怎样的呢?做些什么能够加分(没有足够的时间去考CFA了)?

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发表于 2016-5-13 10:44:30 | 只看该作者
Hey there,
good to hear from you!
And the JD/MBA program at Cornell is ambitious!

So first let me get to your questions:
1. Good question. And it's up to you. I fear that with 3 years you may be overloaded. I understand you wanting to cut back on the costs. But my suggestion is to get in contact with people who did both and chat with them. I can try and hook you up with someone, but I have to ask around first.

2. Not necessarily. But if they like and if the goals you present for the JD/MBA program make sense, they will see it as a package. You should not email the Adcom with this question because they will never answer or never answer you truthfully about how they make their admissions decisions.

3. The ranking of Cornell's JD and MBA is actually pretty good. Plus Cornell is an Ivy League. And Investment banks hire from Cornell. So you should be fine. Dont worry about the CFA. Everyone has a CFA. If you do the JD/MBA they will be looking to put you in more of a legal role, which should work out to your advantage.

Ultimately, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! So just do well on that GMAT and go for it.
And if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Jon Frank
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