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[SC悬赏令] 一道SC题目求解

发表于 2017-1-21 22:07:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Rental rates for buildings in the suburbs were far lower than those typically charged for property located within the city limits


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发表于 2017-1-22 08:03:02 | 只看该作者
Rental rates for buildings in the suburbs were far lower than those typically charged for property located within the city limits
Rental rates for buildings (in the suburbs ) were far lower than those typically charged for property ( located within the city) limits

those 这里指代rental rates。翻译,rental rates for buildings 比 rentals rates for property 要低。
至于()里的 in the suburbs 还有 located within the city limits 是修饰。
 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-22 16:49:10 | 只看该作者
Gkibt 发表于 2017-1-22 08:03
Rental rates for buildings in the suburbs were far lower than those typically charged for property l ...


以及,我看到曼哈顿上关于代词这一章,一直有个地方不解,Sometimes (though not always), pronouns show a tendency to refer to nouns in the same case, especially when they are embedded in parallel structures. In particular, a pronoun in subject position in one clause may often be presumed to refer to the subject of a paral- lel clause, even if that subject is relatively far away.

根据这个原则,那么下面这道题的DE里its应该指代paper production,所以选D应该是对的,但是答案选B,因为D和E选项的its指代的是industrial use of wood,但是难道这样的平行语句,its不应该指的是paper production吗。
Paper production accounts for approximately 40 percent of the world's industrial use of wood, and the market for paper is growing faster than it is for all major wood products.
(A) the market for paper is growing faster than it is for all
(B) the market for paper is growing faster than the market for all other
(C) the market for it is growing faster than it is for all other
(D) its market is growing faster than the market for all
(E) its market is growing faster than it is for all other
发表于 2017-1-23 04:08:15 | 只看该作者
aaayjq 发表于 2017-1-22 16:49

以及 ...

首先,在曼哈顿书上的第一章就有写怎样做sc的题,那就是 先读句意,再找语法点。句意是第一位的,其次再是语法点。理解句意的目的就是明白这句话想表达的逻辑意思。而这个逻辑意思一定要清晰并且合理。而语法则是辅助句意,让读者能更好的清晰明了的读懂句意。曼哈顿书上所介绍的语法点,都是基本的语法,在这之上,只要不违背这些基本语法,只要句子逻辑通,就可以了。至于就近原则,没有绝对的。所谓就近原则,基本上也是因为外国人读句子就是顺着句子都下来,如果出现代词,一般都是在代词的附近找,但是如果这句话的逻辑意思很清晰,即使所指代的代词在很远的地方(别太远),这句话也是正确的句子。
然后,说一下单词意思,基本上没什么不认识单词。suburbs 意思是郊区。
现在,我们来看上一道题,先走句意:Rental rates for buildings in the suburbs were far lower than those typically charged for property located within the city limits。最好的翻译句子或是读句子的方法就是顺着读下来,那么这句话翻译成中文就是:租金率对于建筑在郊区边缘是很低的比这些典型的收费的对于财产座落在城市限制的地方。中文翻译出来,很明显这个逻辑是在对比租金率。如果非要说就近原则指代suburbs的话,你用中文带进句意里面,翻译出来就是:租金率对于建筑在郊区边缘是是很低的比郊区典型的收费的对于财产座落在城市限制的地方。这句话的逻辑是混乱的,什么叫rates were lower than suburbs located within the city limits???
再从语法上来说,这是个比较的句子,那我们来看比较词是什么:far lower 。lower 能修饰什么?rates可以lower 但是suburbs可以lower么?? 这样这句话比较什么就知道了吧。

Paperproduction accounts for approximately 40 percent of the world's industrial useof wood, and the market for paper is growing faster than itis for all major wood products. 翻译中文:纸质产品占据了大约40%的全球的工业使用的木材,并且市场对于纸在不断的加速比它的对于所有主要木材产品。

首先,it is 这个指代在这句话里能有很多指代,你说指代paper production,那我还可以说是wood 呢。你要说就近原则,那我还可以指代paper呢不是。不同的人对于it is有不同的理解,就这点来说凡是带it is的选项都算错。正确的句子应该是不管给谁看,想表达的句意都只有一个。同理,its 也是一样。所以只剩下B。因为B避免了指代不清的问题。

vjsharma25 wrote:
Firstly,you need "all other",because if it is only "all",it will include the market for Production industry also creating an incorrect comparison.

you have the right idea, although you picked the wrong specific thing -- you should be talking about excluding paper, not "the production industry", from the comparison.  i.e., paper is a wood product, so you need to say "all other wood products" rather than "all wood products".
this is correct; although it's worth noting that this kind of thing is definitely not going to be the only error in a sentence -- it requires nontrivial outside knowledge (viz., the reader has to know that paper is a wood product).  so, while this will allow you to eliminate, there will also be other errors in the choices -- the test is not going to contain a sentence correction problem that depends on the student's outside knowledge of facts.

vjsharma25 wrote:
Secondly,in original sentence the meaning of the underlined portion seems to suggest that the same market is growing for both paper production and other wood products.But theI intended meaning is that the paper production market is growing faster than the market for other wood products.M I right?

the pronouns "it" and "they" (along with other cases of those pronouns, such as "its", "their", "them") always refer to the intended noun plus any essential modifiers attached to that noun.  so, in choice (a), the pronoun "it" erroneously refers to "the market for paper".  this is an error in meaning.

note that "it"/"its" is a faulty pronoun in the last three choices; in those three choices, the intended referent of "it" is paper, but there's a problem: the noun paper isn't present in this sentence.  (in the phrase "paper production", paper is an adjective.)



 楼主| 发表于 2017-1-23 13:54:46 | 只看该作者
Gkibt 发表于 2017-1-23 04:08
首先,在曼哈顿书上的第一章就有写怎样做sc的题,那就是 先读 ...

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