Like the color-discriminating apparatus of the human eye, insects’eyes depend onrecording and comparing light intensities in three regions of theelectromagnetic spectrum. (A)insects’ eyes depend on (B)an insect eye depends on (C)that of insects depend on the (D) that of an insect’s eye depends on(D) (E)that of an insect’s is dependent on the like的词性为介词,则正确答案的that就不能指代like引导的介宾短语中的apparatus了吧?
参考另一题 Like their malecounterparts, women scientists are above average in terms of intelligence andcreativity, but unlike men of science, theirfemale counterparts have had to work against the grain of occupationalstereotyping to enter a “man’s world.” (A)their female counterparts have had to work (B)their problem is working (C)one thing they have had to do is work (D)the handicap women of science have had is to work(E)
(E) women of sciencehave had to work 正确答案是E,不选择A的原因是因为their不能指代介词后面的名词?还是因为E选项better而A选项并不错。