116. Several recent studies suggest that a child born into a family whose members have allergies will probably themselves develop allergies following the onset of a minor viral infection. (A) a child born into a family whose members have allergies will probably themselves develop allergies (B) children born into families whose members have allergies will probably themselves develop allergies 1(C) a child born into a family the members of which have allergies will probably develop an allergy (D) in those families where members have allergies, children will probably develop allergies themselves(B) (E) children born into a family in which there are allergies will themselves probably develop an allergy(没有定论)
是这道题目~你看,选B,但是后面居然是a minor viral infection...... 不好意思啊~那个they我看错了~~我想起了昨天早晨做的一道错题去了....