大致说一下,我的不完全准确。例如",(comma)+which"的非限定性定语从句,或者“,(comma)+with”修饰前方名词时,这些从句需要紧邻修饰对象,尤其是当主句句子成分复杂时。总结起来就是修饰名词的从句,不管什么类型,尽可能挨着这些名词。不过要注意,在特殊情况下that 和 which 可以跨与前方介词短语修饰语,修饰更前面的名词,具体情况你可以去查阅一下manhadun的书。
曼哈顿语法里有这样一句话,我记忆深刻:When you see a noun modifier, ask yourself what noun should be modified. Then check to make sure that the modifier is next to that noun. Follow the touch rule:
A NOUN and its MODIFIER should TOUCH each other.但是这句话并不适用于动词修饰语,
Unlike a nounmodifier,a verb modifeirdoesnot have to touch the subject.