i heard that there're extremely few graduates from HBS, Kellogg, Stanford, MIT, Columbia, Tuck, Michigan, Fuqua, Johnson, Hass, Anderson, Stern, Yale coming back to China. Graduates from Whaton and Chicago usually get starting salary of over RMB 500K a year. I say over, but I don't know how much over. For schools ranked after the top 15, there're basically little difference whether you're a top 20 or top 30 or even top 40 (maybe after top 40 there'll be some difference). Jones graduates from Rice University are usally treated equally as Marshall graduates from South California. Mendoza graduates from ND equal with Olin graduates from WU in St. Louis. Goizueta graduates from Emory equal with Carrey graduates from Arizona State. Usually the pay is around 400-500K RMB |