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发表于 2005-5-18 16:59:00 | 只看该作者


5. A controversial figure throughout most of his public life, the Black leader Marcus Garvey advocated that some Blacks return to Africa, the land that, to him, symbolized the possibility of freedom.

(A) that some Blacks return to Africa, the land that, to him, symbolized the possibility of freedom

(B) that some Blacks return to the African land symbolizing the possibility of freedom to him

(C) that some Blacks return to Africa which was the land which symbolized the possibility of freedom to him

(D) some Black’s returning to Africa which was the land that to him symbolized the possibility of freedomA

(E) some Black’s return to the land symbolizing the possibility of freedom to him, Africa

我觉得B中的symbolizing 比A中的symbolized 要好些,symbolized 修饰哪个词啊?谢谢大家帮我解答

发表于 2005-5-18 18:37:00 | 只看该作者

Choice A is correct. In choice B, the phrase the African land symbolizing the possibility of freedom to him suggests without reason that only one of the various African lands symbolized the possibility of freedom to Garvey. The double use of which to create needless clauses within clauses makes C very wordy and awkward. The which clause is awkward in D also, and the singular possessive Black’s is erroneous. Black’s is again wrong in E, and the noun Africa is clumsily placed as an appositive coming after the lengthy phrase that describes it. This question is of middle difficulty.

分词和定从的区别OG里面没有明确说过, 一切所谓的总结都是大家的经验数据, 只能用来间接检验答案, 不能当作判断的标准.

发表于 2005-5-18 19:27:00 | 只看该作者



B的错误,还有一个就是the African land, 非洲的土地,意思有些具体化了,Africa 指非洲大陆,抽象意义上的土地,句子想表达的应该是后者

发表于 2005-5-18 21:42:00 | 只看该作者

A的symbolized不是分词结构的说。the land是同为语从句that在这里等于which,symbolized做动词过去式。把这个同为语从句变成independent clause来理解就是:the land symbolized the possiblity of freedom.如果是分词短语,that大可不要,变成独立主格结构,the land [that was] symbolized,明显改变句意,symbolize的agent就是the land。clear?

关于定从和分词结构的区别强烈赞同斑竹,2000多道sc资料里面用这个区别做题的真是没印象。og第一题朱江老师解释的是这种“分词结构表重复性动作,定从表一次性动作”的区别(注意BD选项),但我认为没有D的代词they两个一样有歧义,谁知道when后省略的主语是a divorce还是men and women。所以也不是这么判断的。

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