2. “It is unrealistic to expect individual nations to make, independently, the sacrifices necessary to conserve energy. International leadership and worldwide cooperation are essential if we expect to protect the world’s energy resources for future generations.”
Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.
Issue 2
How exactly to deal with the issue over who and how to conserve energy , and to ensure that the solution is satisfied and effective both within and between nations, is the subject of intense and often frought debate. Some argue that it is individual nations’ responsibility to conserve energy ;others argue that it is unrealistic to expect individual nations to sacrifices necessary to do so. While the issue has generated a maelstrom of arguments and counter-arguments, as far as I am concerned , it is inevitable for all the nations in the world to take actions together to protect resources. I will demonstrate my viewpoint from following aspects.
First and foremost, As globalization progresses more and more quickly , nature resources confined in one nation are shared with nations worldwide. energy crises in any of the counries will ultimatedly affects the whole world. To give just one out of tens-of –thousands of examples, in Middle east ,where 90% of the world’s crude oil is generated, any fluctuation in oil output will not only threaten industries globally but also push up overall pricese., causing sever inflation and mass-unemployment. Thus ,any country that play a role in international trade should shouder on its duty in conseving energy, or all will suffer..
What’s more, a adequate mechanism is necessary if we determine to save energy hand in hand. First, since each country varies from others significantly in development, what proportion of the consevation task should a nation to carry up must be decided according to a fixed standart. Second, to prevent individual nations from violating the general restriction, an international supervisor is needed, to direct and regulate behaviors of all countries. Only if we cooperate effectively and objectively , sustainable development is practical and realistic.
Admittedly, individual sacrifice is inevitable. No one can have great harvest without paying. We make profits out of nature , then we ought to compensate it with sufficient efforts. However , the question facing the world’s governments ,businesses and the like is thus not simply how best to tackle the energy crises ,but how to do so in a mammer that does not at the same time hamstring national economies.
In conclusion, to achieve the goal of sustainable development, global action is imperative to solve all kinds of environmental problems. Therefore , all nations should communicate and cooperate to ensure the preservation of natural resources for future generations.