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og153 和og 177选项的比较

发表于 2005-4-19 09:00:00 | 只看该作者

og153 和og 177选项的比较

153. A recording system was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office that even Theodore C. Sorensen, the White House counsel, did not know it existed.
(A) A recording system was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office that
(B) So secret was a recording system installation and operation in the Kennedy Oval Office
(C) It was so secret that a recording system was installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office
(D) A recording system that was so secretly installed and operated in the Kennedy Oval Office
(E) Installed and operated so secretly in the Kennedy Oval Office was a recording system that

177. So poorly educated and trained are many young recruits to the United States work force that many business executives fear this country will lose its economic preeminence.
(A) So poorly educated and trained are many young recruits to the United States work force that
(B) As poorly educated and trained as many young recruits to the United States work force are,
(C) Because of many young recruits to the United States work force who are so poorly educated and trained,
(D) That many young recruits to the United States work force are so poorly educated and trained is why
(E) Many young recruits to the United States work force who are so poorly educated and trained explains why

为什么153的E 是错的,177的A 却是对的

因为153的E Installed and operated so secretly so secretly  的位置不对?

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-19 9:02:16编辑过]
发表于 2005-4-19 10:17:00 | 只看该作者



153题so secretly  的位置是不对的,如果要用倒装结构,so secretly  要放在句首;

如果E把so secretly  放在句首对不对呢?还是不如A好,其一A的意思清楚明白;其二A是题干并没有用倒装结构,选项中用倒装表示强调就没有忠实于题干。

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