For the farmer who takes care to keep them cool, providing them with high-energy feed, and milking them regularly, Holstein cows are producing an average of 2,275 gallons of mild each per year. - providing them with high-energy feed, and milking them regularly, Holstein cows are producing
- providing them with high-energy feed, and milked regularly, the Holstein cow produces
- provided with high-energy feed, and milking them regularly, Holstein cows are producing
- provided with high-energy feed, and milked regularly, the Holstein cow produces
- provided with high-energy feed, and milked regularly, Holstein cows will produce
难道是For the farmers是介词短语的提前,正常应该是provided with high-energy feed, and milked regularly, Holstein cows will produce an average of 2,275 gallons of mild each per year for the farmer who takes care to keep them cool. ?
或者是,平行结构为keep them cool, (keep them) provided with high energy feed, and (keep them) milked regularly. 8过keep能这样用么?
还请nns解释一二 |