以下是引用SmileFM在2003-10-25 0:02:00的发言:非常感谢Chipmunk的帮助! 在此抛砖引玉,大家多建议补充。 *************************************************************************************************************** 以下是我总结的美国Top20 学校的面试政策 (校园面试除外) : 9) Duke: 递交所有申请材料后,可申请面试。国内基本是校友面试。 Duke的在线申请系统中仅提供了香港的校友面试选择,但实际上就去年经验,还是有北京和上海的校友面试机会,由招生办协调安排。但人数有限,尽早联系。 12) Darden: by invitation only。据我所知,9月在北京和上海的MBA Tour,他们还是根据简历挑了些人做面试。 18) UNC: 完成网上申请的第一部分后可申请面试。 20) Kelly: To make arrangements for an interview, call the MBA admissions office at 800 994-8622 or 812 855-8006. [此贴子已经被作者于2003-10-25 0:02:46编辑过]
I'd like to add some more info to the above school's interview policies. You can request interviews before you submit applications to these schools. Seize the chance when the schools are travelling to Asia to do recruiting and request interviews ahead of time. Usually, the schools will ask you to send in your resume and some basic info and if you are lucky, you can get a chance to interview with the admissions officer face to face.
For the above 4 schools, I know for sure that off-campus interviews with admissions committe are possible. |