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发表于 2003-12-2 00:46:00 | 只看该作者


(全部全真题947) 498.Many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries.
(A) Many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries.
(B) Chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with many hundreds of monasteries.
(C) Hundreds of monasteries, many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, are dotting the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia.
(D) The mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries, many of which are chiseled from solid rock centuries ago.
(E) The mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries, many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago.

(全部全真题947) 266.During the Great Depression, industrial output fell by nearly fifty percent from its peak in 1929 down to its nadir in 1933.
(A) During the Great Depression, industrial output fell by nearly fifty percent from its peak in 1929 down to its nadir in 1933.
(B) During the Great Depression, industrial output fell by nearly fifty percent from its peak in 1929 to its nadir in 1933.
(C) At the time of the Great Depression, industrial output fell by almost fifty percent from its 1929 peak down to its 1933 nadir.
(D) At the time of the Great Depression, industrial output fell from its peak in 1929, by nearly fifty percent, to it nadir in 1933.
(E) During the Great Depression, industrial output fell from its peak in 1929 to its nadir in 1933 by nearly fifty percent.
答案是B,不知道E为什么不行,BE区别好象只是by nearly fifty percent位置变了下而已.

(补充255) 95.The five hundred largest manufacturing firms in the United States produce goods that are worth almost as much as that of the four hundred thousand firms that remain.
(A) that are worth almost as much as that of the four hundred thousand firms that remain
(B) of a worth that is almost as much as that of the four hundred thousand firms that remain
(C) almost as much in worth as those of the remaining four hundred thousand firms
(D) almost as much in worth as that of the remaining four hundred thousand firms
(E) worth almost as much as those of the remaining four hundred thousand firms

[此贴子已经被作者于2003-12-2 0:50:39编辑过]
发表于 2003-12-2 01:57:00 | 只看该作者
266,by nearly fifty percent靠近被修饰的词fell 好
95,c中in worth 用法没见过
发表于 2004-3-2 00:50:00 | 只看该作者

Many of them chiseled from
solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are
dotted with hundreds of monasteries.

(A) Many of them
chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous regions of northern
Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of monasteries.

(B) Chiseled from
solid rock centuries ago, the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are
dotted with many hundreds of monasteries.

(C) Hundreds of
monasteries, many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago, are dotting
the mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia.

(D) The
mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of
monasteries, many of which are chiseled from solid rock centuries ago.

(E) The
mountainous regions of northern Ethiopia are dotted with hundreds of
monasteries, many of them chiseled from solid rock centuries ago.

I     kind of     suspect     the     so-called answer choice E.    

发表于 2005-5-15 07:54:00 | 只看该作者

498 D的时态错.将are改成were就对了.但即使这样,ETS的偏好还是Many of them(同位语)比Many of which were(定从)要好.

266 by nearly fifty percent位置有问题. 时间状语的位置也是ETS常考的要点之一.

95,in worth 有问题.

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