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GMAT 最基本修辭鐵則 (必背)

发表于 2003-7-26 12:06:00 | 只看该作者

GMAT 最基本修辭鐵則 (必背)

GMAT 修辭鐵則

1-    絕對要保持S 與 V 的一致.
2-    絕對要保持Pronoun 與 n 的一致.
3-    絕對要保持V時態的一致.
4-    絕對要保持V 主動被動的一致.
5-    絕對要修飾詞放在接近修飾詞對象的附近.
6-    絕對要保持Parallelism (平行表達)
7-    絕對要避免不清楚的修飾關係, 必要時重寫修飾對象.
(x) The archaeologist found an evidence there was a violent eruption of volcano, blamed for the destruction of the village =>…….. and event blamed for……
8-    絕對要避免clause 成為介係詞片語.
-    because + S + V => because of S + V + V-ing (x)
-    a finding, a theory….that + S + V => a finding, a theory…. Of S + V-ing (x)
9-    絕對要保持因果關係擁有同一對象.
-    (x) I felt tired because of studying hard. => I fel tired because I studied hard.
-    (x) John’s mother woke him so early as to catch the train. => …. So early that he could catch the train.
10-    絕對要避免用 they 代表單數團體如國家, 公司, 機關, 學校, 軍隊…
11-    a-)絕對要避免用 it 或 this 來代表一件事情.
     -(x) I can’t do it (this) => I can’t do so.
   b-)絕對要避免用 which 來修飾前面的 n 或 clause.
     -(x) My parent gave me a present, which made me glad => a present that…..
12-    a)絕對要避免用 “,” 分隔了獨立clause.
  -(x) I am tired, he is still vigorous. => I am tired, but he is still vigorous.
b)絕對要避免 “;” 漏加上對等連接詞的獨立clause.
  -(x) I am tired; but he is still vigorous.
13-    絕對要避免發生 be V 的 S 與補語性質的不合理.
-    (x) John is a book => John has a book.
-    (x) In psychology the term “psycopath” is some one who…=> In psychology the term “….” Refers to ….
14-    絕對要避免同位語 (或舉例) 或身分與其對象本質上的不合理.
-    (x) food allergy such as milk => such as to milk.
-    (x) John has a food allergy, milk.
-    (x) The Federalist papers, as political science, represent the handiwork of three authors.
15-    絕對要避免比較對象本質上的不合理或文法結構上的不對稱.
-    (x) Unlike him, my life is full of joy. => Unlike his life.
-    (x) I gave the same to John as Mary. => as to Mary.
-    (x) The house’s price is now higher than previous decade. => than in previous decade.
16-    絕對要避免用V-ing 來代替普通名詞.
-    (x) The increasing in the house’s price. => The increase in…..
17-    絕對不可改寫原意, 如增添或減少均不可以.
18-    絕對不可用抽象名詞代替 V 表達.
-    (x) I make a comparison => I compare….
-    (x) in reference to => refer to
-    (x) They had a plan with intention to…. => They had a plan with intention to ….=> They had a plan intended to…..
发表于 2003-7-26 13:45:00 | 只看该作者
grenuisx bro.

You are offering us excellent rules!
My suggestion for XDJM who recites these rules is: DO always relate the rules to the 真题 that you work on, and you are sure to gain more.

my two cents.
发表于 2003-7-26 14:37:00 | 只看该作者
Thank u ,grenuisx. Actually, they are useful rules on modification.
发表于 2003-7-26 20:01:00 | 只看该作者
so many 絕對s, it is likely the 2nd LZM. hard to see through, not mention memorizing...
发表于 2003-7-26 21:08:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-7-26 21:56:00 | 只看该作者
a lots of great points, thanks..
however, I don't agree this point:

b-)絕對要避免用 which 來修飾前面的 n 或 clause.
     -(x) My parent gave me a present, which made me glad => a present that…..
 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-26 22:55:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用albert在2003-7-26 21:56:00的发言:
a lots of great points, thanks..
however, I don't agree this point:

  b-)絕對要避免用 which 來修飾前面的 n 或 clause.
      -(x) My parent gave me a present, which made me glad => a present that…..

About this point.  雖然我的文法觀念不怎麼好, 可是這是上課的時候老師說的, 提供給大家參考.
避免 is not  絕對不要用. Because  GMAT's SC always uses "which" to refer more than one n. And that is ambiguous. So we must check first if the "which" refers to how many n, and whether it is ambiguous or not. Of course in some cases 交代的很清楚, in that case we can use it. Naturally "which" doesn't have any problem in spoken English or maybe in TOEFL, but in GMAT we must use it precisely, concisely, and clearly. That's why 避免.
 楼主| 发表于 2003-7-26 23:13:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用siebel在2003-7-26 20:01:00的发言:
so many 絕對s, it is likely the 2nd LZM. hard to see through, not mention memorizing...

About this. I never see the famous LZM. Maybe because I'm not in China. I wish I can get LZM. But I think all kinds of grammar book will tell you to memorize.....
These 鐵則s, are only some resumes from the whole grammar book for GMAT. 這些鐵則所包含的範圍很廣, 所以其實這些鐵則只是幫助你的記憶而已又或者是你可以把它當成做題的流程(當然這個流程要把它練成能在數秒之內就做完), 如果你可以把這些當成"自然反應" 那當然是再好不過了, 那當然我也想那樣, 其實應該做題做的頻率高的話就應該可以練成那樣, 不過我還是覺得 illogical errors, misplace errors 還有模擬兩可的答案最難分辨.
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