顺手登陆了QQ,加了几个丹佛和达拉斯的群,突然小喇叭亮了,一点开,是个妹子加的我,说:一样是没交定金的苦逼孩子,能聊聊吗。哇,妹子啊。然后哥就把人家加了,聊了一会。后来下了QQ,也不知道那一天怎么过的。晚上回家时,发现手机一直震,打开一看,不知道哪个倒霉孩子建了个讨论组,名曰:被DU坑的孩子。尼玛老子一看,整整10个人啊!(现在有15个,只有两个解决了,后面8)。然后大家一直在讨论该怎么办。因为已经五月了,大家手里的AD要么据的据,要么就是不太想去的,我们这次被丹佛耍的大部分都是会计和金融的学生。当然我们这些屌丝配置还是和大牛们不能比的,不然怎么会被这家坑。不过话说回来,它家金融我不了解,它家会计还是不错的;但是至于他家的MBA,我只能说 呵呵,USNEWS上都没排名(具体请参见我之前发的帖子)。再加上它家学费巨贵,一个学分1000刀,尼玛现在说让转专业就转专业?!还是转你家MBA?!坑爹啊!所以大家觉得不能就这么算了,得给他家发邮件,而且得给院长和校长发。尼玛这种破事儿哥去年在美帝也干过啊,为了搬出学校给校长发邮件有木有,最后圆满解决有木有,尼玛那还是个地区级大学有木有?!于是哥以为看到了曙光啊,可结果证明哥图样图森破啊!我们先给它家发了封邮件,每个人单独说明自己的情况,挺长一邮件,大意就是说大家都无法接受这个决定,很多人机票买了,房子找了,把别家也拒了,不想上MBA。可这封到现在都尼玛的没回复。
Dear ms. Riordan, and mr. President, Hi ms. Riordan, the Dean at Daniels College of Business, and mr. Coombe, the president at University of Denver. We believe that you have already received our previous email regarding our applications, and here we are writing you another email briefing about our current situations and how we want this problem to be solved. As we mentioned in our previous email, we cannot accept this decision made by the enrollment department of Daniels College of Business, and we simply want our programs back. We firmly believe that this decision is totally irresponsible and here are some questions we have about this decision: 1. The deadline to response is June 1st, but why you moved it earlier for almost a whole month without any previous notifications. 2. As Victoria Chen mentioned, our current programs are "too popular", which is also the reason why you made the decision. But why we, the applicants, received absolute nothing before that email, warning us about the seat situation? 3. As far as we know, there are around 14 people in our group now who are facing this situation. But how to explain this phenomenon: some of us who did not pay the money by May 4th, and they received that email last Friday, which is "reasonable"; some of us who paid the money before May 4th, but they still received that email last Friday, which is unreasonable; and there are even some of us who's not paying the money yet received nothing last Friday, however, they were afraid that they were having the same situation like us, so they did not pay the money during the weekends, and they got that email today. 4. Let us assume that even if we paid the money way before May 4th, and have our seats saved, can you guarantee that our programs will not be taken away due to the same or different excuses? 5. As mentioned in Victoria Chen's email, most of the seats now available are the MBA or MBA related programs. Why does MBA program have so many free seats, is it because many MBA students changed their major, or is it simply because there are not enough people apply for the MBA program? 6. To most of us, the University of Denver is the last university that we have now on hand, we did not response soon enough because you gave us a long period of time to consider, and we truly appreciate that. Before we received that email, some of us got rejected by their dream colleges, some of us rejected other schools in order to come to Denver. We believe that being a decent college, you should be responsible and issue a reasonable number of admissions that you can take instead of asking your applicants to face the consequence of issuing too many admissions. 7. As we mentioned, some of us paid the money before last Friday and still received the email; some of us did not pay the money before that, but they paid it immediately after that email; and some of us are not paying the money yet, but they are just simply afraid that you will take the money away and force them to change the major. There is no doubt that we all want our programs back, but we just cannot pay the money before we get and appropriate explanation. Once again, our wish is simple, we just want our programs back, and extra apology would be better. Also, we have heard that one of us who is currently studying at DU got her problem solved today, and we truly appreciate that. Finally, as we mentioned above, we simply want our programs back, and we hope that you can make the right decision. Thank you very much for your time and help
Dear Daniels Accepted Students,
Thank you for your collective email. Below are the responses to your questions:
1. As mentioned in our previous correspondence, this was an extremely difficult decision to close both the MAcc and MSF programs. We know that you all possess great qualifications and would be wonderful additions to the academic community, which is why your status as accepted students remains unchanged. The challenge for Daniels is that many more accepted students deposited this year compared to previous years and a large number of those deposits came in all at once (a trend that could not be foreseen, especially when the total number of applicants for this year is about the same). This is the reason why we are unable to add to the incoming MAcc and MSF classes and why a sudden email was distributed.
2. Please note that 2 students in your group were given exceptions specifically because one of them is already at DU and was accidentally included on the distribution list, while the other had her deposit submitted by May 2 before the email went out on May 3 (Denver time). Since it does take one business day for tuition deposits to show up on our system, the 2[size=-1]nd student received the “program closed” email only because her information had not yet updated but was already in process. Unfortunately, all deposits that were made on May 3[size=-1]rdor over the weekend would show up in our system as May 6[size=-1]th; hence, these students would still be subject to the closure announcement.
3. We know the difficulty of this situation and extend our sincere apologies for this sudden news. We are also aware that many students have received their I-20s, since these are sent out to all accepted applicants who have provided their necessary financial documentation; however, for U.S. schools, it is the deposit that actually confirms a student’s seat in the program. Therefore, all accepted students who had deposited beforehand are guaranteed their spot. This would be the case as well for anyone who submits their deposit to defer their start date to Spring 2014 instead.
Although we are unable to add to the incoming MAcc or MSF class, we would definitely like to work with you on other options, which is why suggestions such as the MBA program were proposed. The MBA is a larger program (doubles the size of the MSF or MAcc), which is why there are still some seats available. As such, we have outlined the following possibilities which may be of interest to you:
a. Again, programs such as the full-time MBA do allow you to choose a concentration in Accountancy or Finance, so from a curriculum standpoint, you would still be able to take about 8 accountancy or finance classes versus the 12 in the MAcc or MSF; therefore, it’s not that much less compared to the actual program. Alternatively, if you were interested in pursuing a dual degree, you could switch your current Fall 2013 application to the MBA, and then decide later if you want to submit another application to add on the MAcc or MSF. Our overall policy for dual students is that both degrees must be achieved within 5 years.
b. The backup option, as mentioned earlier, would be to defer your MAcc or MSF entry to Spring 2014 (March) and secure your seat with a deposit.
We hope you will be able to take advantage of one of these other options. Please feel free to contact us with any other questions and let us know how you would like to proceed. Thank you again for reaching out to us.
多的我就不想说了,CD上大家英文都不差,应该也都能看懂。另外听组里的倒霉孩子说还有脑残孩子说我们对学校不负责,对这种脑残孩子我只想用我邮件里的一句话来回复他:We believe that being a decent college, you should be responsible and issue a reasonable number of admissions that you can take instead of asking your applicants to face the consequence of issuing too many