102. Yellow jackets number amongthe 900 or so species of the world’s social wasps, wasps living in a highly cooperativeand organized society where they consist almostentirely of females—the queenand her sterile female workers.
(B) waspsthat live in a highly cooperative and organized society consisting almost entirely of
103. El Nino, the periodic abnormal warming of the sea surfaceoff Peru,a phenomenon in which changes in the oceanand atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated in the westernPacific to flow back to theeast. (A) a phenomenon inwhich changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated
比对102的正确选项B, consisting 为什么前面不加逗号是因为这个不作为修饰而是作为平行对吧,但是作为平行不是应该是A,B,andC吗?
那么应该是 cooperativ, organized society and consisting ....