有空的大神们帮忙解答一下子嘛- -
As a result of a supernova explosion,every human being on Earth was bombarded on February 23, 1987, by about 100 billion neutrinos;fortunately, neutrinos are harmless elementary particles that are produced in nuclear reactions andthat interact very weakly with matter. (A) neutrinos are harmless elementaryparticles that are produced in nuclear reactions and that (B) neutrinos, which are harmless, areelementary particles produced in nuclear reactions and which (C) neutrinos are harmless elementaryparticles produced in nuclear reactions and which (D) these harmless elementary particlesare produced in nuclear reactions, and neutrinos (E) these elementary particles, harmlessproducts of nuclear reactions, are neutrinos that
1是楼主认为后面想指代和物质反应很慢的是neutrinos,而A指代的是particles,><但是看了讨论稿说就是需要指代particles,不是应该是particles反应很慢,有没有人帮楼主解释一下- -为什么呢,
2.关于E,解释说these无指代,但是楼主选E的时候理由是these elementary particles,因为后面补充了elementary particles,所以这个these就不存在指代不明的问题了,但是答案说these没有明确指代。这是为什么呢?是因为在前文没有提及particles吗?但是不能理解these elementary particles指代的就是neutrinos吗?记得曼哈顿语法里面有个new nano,什么的,后面就用these material指代防止歧义><,但是这两个不是一个问题???