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发表于 2012-7-31 18:08:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting East African cave paintings.

(A) Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting

(B) Leakey contributed to archaeology by her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and by painstakingly documenting

(C) Leakey was a contributor to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and with her painstaking documentation of

(D) Leakey's contributions to archaeology include her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and her painstaking documentation of

(E) Leakey's contributions to archaeology include discovering the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstaking documentation of


1. Manhattan语法在代词(第四版P70)那章中明确说过位于所有格('s)的名词已经变成了形容词,其他代词不能指代这个名词。
   e.g.: Wrong: The board is investigating several executives' compensation packages in order to determine how much may have been improperly awarded to THEM.
这里的them不能指代executives,因为executives现在位于所有格中。要改成正确的,起码要改成 The board is investigating the compensation of several executives......
  又如:Tom's room was tidy, so his mother praised him. 这句话也是错的,因为Tom's整个作为形容词的存在,后面的his/him均不能指代他。
  综上,可以看到上面那题的D答案,把Mary Leakey (Mary Leakey‘s contibution)放在了所有格的位置,而根据句意句中的所有代词都应该指代Mary Leakey,因此D项是错的。

2. 还有一个小问题:为什么语法笔记上的C项说contributor改变了句意?不都是表达Mary Leakey对人类学做出了贡献吗?实在是不明白。


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发表于 2012-7-31 20:15:39 | 只看该作者
前面未划线部分说的是In addition to her work 主体是work 如果后面说人话的话是逻辑不对等的 因此后半句的主语应该是工作 选D
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-31 20:53:45 | 只看该作者
可是in addition to A, B...不需要A和B是对等的吖。

In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting East African cave paintings.

这里就没有要求对等平行,因此In addition to是不要求并行的。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-31 20:54:29 | 只看该作者
前面未划线部分说的是In addition to her work 主体是work 如果后面说人话的话是逻辑不对等的 因此后半句的主语应该是工作 选D
-- by 会员 c3214789 (2012/7/31 20:15:39)


可是in addition to A, B...不需要A和B是对等的吖。

In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting East African cave paintings.

这里就没有要求对等平行,因此In addition to是不要求并行的。

发表于 2012-7-31 22:00:19 | 只看该作者
我觉得可能这个题 后面可以有her是因为 题目中In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record  中有herl了吧     只要后面和前面的her一致 就ok 给你看一个题
In addition to being China’s first administrators, in the sense that they developed a coherent bureaucracy for their empire, the first literate culture in East Asia were the Shang, and they were well known for crafting ornate bronze ritual vessels.

A.    the first literate culture in East Asia were the Shang, and they were well known for crafting
B.    the first literate culture in East Asia were the Shang, well known as the crafters of
C.    the Shang, as the first literate culture in East Asia, is well known for its crafting
D.    the Shang were the first literate culture in East Asia and are well known as the crafters of
E.    the Shang were the first literate culture in East Asia and well known for its crafted

答案是E  我不知道B哪错了 很多人解释说
根据In addition to being China’s first administrators  主语应该是人
很奇怪 不理解 迷茫中。。。。。。。。。。。。
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-31 23:00:40 | 只看该作者
我觉得可能这个题 后面可以有her是因为 题目中In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record  中有herl了吧     只要后面和前面的her一致 就ok 给你看一个题
In addition to being China’s first administrators, in the sense that they developed a coherent bureaucracy for their empire, the first literate culture in East Asia were the Shang, and they were well known for crafting ornate bronze ritual vessels.

A.    the first literate culture in East Asia were the Shang, and they were well known for crafting
B.    the first literate culture in East Asia were the Shang, well known as the crafters of
C.    the Shang, as the first literate culture in East Asia, is well known for its crafting
D.    the Shang were the first literate culture in East Asia and are well known as the crafters of
E.    the Shang were the first literate culture in East Asia and well known for its crafted

答案是E  我不知道B哪错了 很多人解释说
根据In addition to being China’s first administrators  主语应该是人
很奇怪 不理解 迷茫中。。。。。。。。。。。。
-- by 会员 kellylsn (2012/7/31 22:00:19)

对于你关于her work的解释,我觉得作为一个独立的句子,肯定是要有一个先行词才能用代词的,只说题中其他地方也有her不能说服我吖。

In addition to有两种情况:
In addition to doing..., A...的时候,A要和doing的逻辑一致
In addition to+n., A...的时候,A的n.没有必然的逻辑关系

所以我觉得主句确实是要用the Shang做主语,才能和being China's first administrators有逻辑关系。但是E选项中后面写的是its crafted...我觉得the Shang前面明显暗示是负数的了,所以这里不能用its,E也有问题啊。你确定答案是E吗?我觉得D要更合理一些。
发表于 2012-8-1 00:25:48 | 只看该作者
前面未划线部分说的是In addition to her work 主体是work 如果后面说人话的话是逻辑不对等的 因此后半句的主语应该是工作 选D
-- by 会员 c3214789 (2012/7/31 20:15:39)


可是in addition to A, B...不需要A和B是对等的吖。

In addition to her work on the Miocene hominid fossil record, Mary Leakey contributed to archaeology with her discovery of the earliest direct evidence of hominid activity and painstakingly documenting East African cave paintings.

这里就没有要求对等平行,因此In addition to是不要求并行的。

-- by 会员 qianyao1211 (2012/7/31 20:54:29)

别的不说,楼主你确定这句是正确答案?我觉得是错误的,但看后面的discovery and documenting就知道是错误的了。

我觉得in addition to n.和后面的主语肯定要逻辑一致的。
发表于 2012-8-1 00:26:14 | 只看该作者
发表于 2012-8-1 00:31:03 | 只看该作者
具体记不清了但这个题里面her代替Mary Leaky's应该是没错的
 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-1 10:19:45 | 只看该作者
具体记不清了但这个题里面her代替Mary Leaky's应该是没错的
-- by 会员 Allenisland (2012/8/1 0:31:03)

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