1.关于that从句修饰的问题困扰了我很久了,我目前的理解是出现 A of B that ... 或者 A for B that 等结构(也就是中心成分A+修饰成分)时,that既可以修饰A也可以修饰B(但似乎多数情况修饰A),但是如果that从句中以A做逻辑成分或者以B做逻辑成分都可以解释的通、单复数也一致的话就会出现歧意,既That的指代出问题了。
但是像og196 d
It is possible that Native Americans originally migrated to the Western Hemisphere over a bridge of land that once existed between Siberia and Alaska.
这里的that 的指代是不是有问题呢,既可以指land 也可以指bridge,请nn提点一下。
2.另外对于分词也有相似的问题,当前方出现类似于A of B 时,分词是不是也是可以指A也可以指B
A recently proposed law would accomplish the goal of protecting Florida's manatee population without the loss of revenue from (stipulations of restrictions on the tourist and fishing industries by previously prposed laws).
B.stipulations by previously proposed laws of restrictions on the tourist and fishing industries
C.stipulations for restrictions on the fishing industries and the tourist industry of previously proposed laws
D.restrictions on the tourist and fishing industries that were stipulated by laws proposed previously
E.restrictions on the tourist and fishing industries stipulated by previously proposed laws
答案说d中的that 有歧义可以指industries,应该选E。但是E中的stipulated难道没有歧义,不能理解成修饰industries 吗?
179. During the early years of European settlement on a continent that was viewed as "wilderness" by the newcomers. Native Americans, intimately knowing the ecology of the land. were a help in the rescuing of many Pilgrims and pioneers from hardship, or even death.
(A) Native Americans, intimately knowing the ecology of the land, were a help in the rescuing of
(B) Native Americans knew the ecology and the land intimately and this enabled them to help in the rescue of
(C) Native Americans, with their intimate knowledge of the ecology of the land, helped to rescue
(D) having intimate knowledge of the ecology of the land. Native Americans helped the rescue of
(E) knowing intimately the ecology of the land, Native Americans helped to rescue
Choice A suffers from the wordy and indirect expression were a help in the rescuing of. B creates an awkward, redundant, fused sentence in which the first clause has to be repeated in the vague this of the second clause; furthermore, the comma required before and in larger compound sentences is omitted.(这个问题至少讲了3次了) D and E are confusingly worded because they begin with present participles (having and knowing) that appear at first to refer to the immediately preceding noun, newcomers, rather than to Native Americans. D also has the wordy and unidiomatic helped the rescue of. Clear, direct, and economical, choice C is best.
这里关于DE的解释说分词having, knowing的逻辑主语是newcomers。不理解了
那位nn能帮忙总结一下上述几个语法点阿,不胜感谢!! |