1。短对话只记得一个:It is between a student and her profession. The student was talking about her report. She told the professor she finally decided what topic she is going to write for her report. And the professor asked her to discuss with her sometime (terribly sorry, forget)
(1) economics: 主题: 地方保护于trade是好还是不好。
分析了其好处有:1。资源共享。资源的分布是不均匀的,有些资源在某些地方很丰富,而在某些地方很匮乏,例如:热带地区盛产热带水果,例如:pineapple之类的,而这些水果在寒冷的地方则很稀少。专业化可以利用这些资源,而区域合作则可以使专业化成为可能。2。专业化还可以降低固定成本,比较:如果买一条生产线只是生产x个产品和生产y个产品,如果x<y, 那么后者的单位成本就会降低。
(2)ecology: 能量的金字塔模型,1。最低层是吃草的,例如: mice, grasshopper, 2。往上为以食草动物为食物的动物,例如:snake等;3。然后是捕食2的动物,4。so on. 能量沿着这个金字塔逐层传递,往上渐减。
(3) Antarctic: 现在普遍的观点认为是人类活动造成全球变暖,进而令Antarctic 的ice sheet融化。但是最新研究发现,全球变暖可能是一个周期现象。证据:在Antarctic周边的一个小岛(叫作什么james...的)上,scientist对其岩土采样,发现虽然部分和Antarctic的成分相同,但是有很大一部分和Antarctic的有很大差异。
(4) 忘了。sorry!
3。talk: 我只有两个talk。出现在最后。
其中一个between a male student and a female sales in a bookstore. The guy wants to sell his 6 textbook. The woman askes him to get to a place where he can find a list of books that they accept. (question: what information can the man get when getting to that place). They also talk about the kind of books the store accept: Only books that profession continue to use as textbook in the next semester will be accepted.
Another talk: It happens after class. a man and a woman are talking about when to get together and prepare for an oral presentation(question: what they are preparing for--an oral presentation). The woman is busy with work, so they can hardly find a suitable time. However, they finally reached an agreement to gather on Saturday morning in cafeteria as it is usually few people there so they won't disturb others. (question: why they cannot meet right after class--because the woman needs to work)
1。the development of material used to produce soap.
2。reasons for the scarity of human fossile remained.
3。 challenge in the 16th century to Aristotal's motion law
4。Why metropolitics come into being?--economic development, technology advances, and political pressure. The article talks only the former 2 reasons.
121. Some people trust their first impressions about a person’s character because they believe these judgments are generally correct. Other people do not judge a person’s character quickly because they believe first impressions are often wrong. Compare these two attitudes. Which attitude do you agree with? Support your choice with specific examples.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-20 10:49:05编辑过] |