比较一直搞不太清楚,这里是OG12-41 搞不清楚以下比较的对象到底是什么,究竟是怎么比的……………… D。demographers would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economic determinants of fertility. E。demographers would have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic determinants of fertility. 就只是more than后面一点点的区别。 我还是不太清楚到底什么和什么在比较……为什么不能直接“状语比较”就像: the economy might not be as weak as some analysts previously thought这样,后面不用补出主谓呀…… 感激不尽啊!!!! -- by 会员 木寻云 (2012/9/9 1:56:17)
你这个问题我好像能回答。。。 这种情况大多数是因为模糊不清ambiguous. E选项虽然意思没有歧意,但是more than 比较结构需要左右平行。要么有副词在more than前面和now平行,要么有词在后面与a great deal平行。 或者让这个句子结构平行,就是补出谓语。我记得这道题prep2008好像有的,你可以去找找。 不过这种题我都是觉得结构完整会比较好,因为我觉得redundent要好过ambiguous,不知道这么想对不对。。。 |