完全不能理解Round 1和Round 2为什么差了10个月的要求,以及Round 1为什么一定要是一年之内考的,明明是两年的有效期啊?
而且我觉得Round 1的要求和网站另一个地方写的有矛盾 "[size=16.496px]If your test score is more than two years old (from the date of the exam to the date of application arrival), you must retake the test.[size=16.496px] "
English Language Tests[size=1.031em]The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE) is required for non-native English speakers with limited exposure to English. All international applicants whose native language (language first learned and spoken at home) is not English, or who did not complete a degree from an institution where English was the language of instruction, are required to take the TOEFL or PTE. If you earned a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an institution at which English is the language of instruction, the test may be waived. If you are applying in… | Your TOEFL or PTE test date must fall on or between | Round 1 | October 15, 2015 to September 27, 2016 | Round 2 | January 15, 2015 to January 5, 2017 | Round 3 | April 6, 2016 to March 30, 2017 |
[size=1.031em]TOEFL – The code for the Wharton MBA Program is: 2926 (02). [size=1.031em]PTE – Report your scores directly to The Wharton MBA Program