Unlike many United States cities, where ariver is no longer the focal point of urban life, the river in San Antonio windsthrough the middle of the business district, and the River Walk, or Paseo delRio, is the city's most popular attraction. (A)Unlike many United States cities, where a river is no longer the focal point ofurban life, the river in San Antonio (B)Unlike the river in many cities in the United States, which is no longer the focal point of urban life,in San Antoniothe river (C)Today the river in many cities in the United States is no longer the focalpoint of urban life, unlike San Antonio, where it (D)In few United States citiestoday, a river is the focal point of urban life, but the river in San Antonio (E)No longer do many cities in the United Stateshave a river as the focal point of urban life, but in San Antonio the river