it is none that was more concentrated than the wave that brought 12 million immigrants onto American shores in little more than three decades. 是一个强调句,也就是说句子在同时去掉:it, be动词,和that 三者后,句子仍是完整句子。 即 None was more concentrated than.... 在强调句中,it只是强调句的组成成分,并不指代任何人、事、物 -- by 会员 superbat28 (2012/8/13 17:15:49)
求问BAT大神,这里OG上说 in this context, it must refer to something. 我理解这里强调句 it is...that 很wordy,但是it 为啥一定要有所指代呢?强调句 还有形式主语 it本身不就没有指代么 为啥OG说他错在 “it本必须指代一个东西,但是它没指”呢? |