Partially agree. One can learn some leadership skills, such as how to communicate, how to influence, etc. through the MBA program, if he/she really pays attention to these things. Will these soft skills alone make you a leader? Hardly so. Will these skills help you grow into a future leader? Yes, to certain extend.
I know many folks want to find a job in the US through attending a MBA program here. I understand that. But for me, it's the opposite way around. Because I want to go back to China, I need a decent MBA education. Why? A good education can give me the safety net to allow me to try some bold things in life. Even if I fail, I can still find a job to pay the bills, because I’ve got the degree. It’s like an insurance policy, or a permit to chase your dream in life. You know you will be OK, even if your dream does not materialize.
If you ask me, I will certainly pick the 500K RMB. You can live almost (not really, I know :-) like a king with 500K RMB in China. With 100K USD in the US, you definitely will not feel rich and most likely will still not only look at the price tags but also wait for sales when shopping. :-)
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-12-31 8:10:19编辑过] |