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[综合讨论] “Assumption类”Argument写作思路建议

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发表于 2013-4-2 12:18:26 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
在前面两篇关于Argument日志(链接一链接二)当中,我们指出了新G的Argument存在两类与老G Argument差别很大的instruction(写作指导),分别为evaluate类alternative explanation类。下面我们简要回顾一下文中的要点,总结起来就是:

而这个Alternative explanation类的instruction则把上面的敌意进一步消除了:作者的解释对不对、合不合理我们根本不care,我们也不关心需要什么证据来证明或证伪——我们只想知道还有什么其他的可能性。换句话说,这时候已经完全不用考虑作者的结论是不是正确了(当然是有可能正确、也有可能不正确的),我们只要找到其他合理的解释就好,文章是explanation-oriented(解释导向型)。
(有人询问我们这么说的依据何在,请看 ... l_writing/argument/上面明确的要求:
You are not being asked to discuss whether the statements in the argument are true or accurate.
You are not being asked to agree or disagree with the position stated.
You are not being asked to express your own views on the subject being discussed (as you were in the Issue task).
Instead, you are being asked to evaluate the logical soundness of an argument of another writer and, in doing so, to demonstrate the critical thinking, perceptive reading and analytical writing skills that university faculty consider important for success in graduate school.)

(附上instruction原文:Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions, and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.)
下面我们以Argument 12为例,跟大家分享一下如何组织这一类argument的语言:
12. The following appeared in a letter from a firm providing investment advice for a client.

"Most homes in the northeastern United States, where winters are typically cold, have traditionally used oil as their major fuel for heating. Last heating season that region experienced 90 days with below-normal temperatures, and climate forecasters predict that this weather pattern will continue for several more years. Furthermore, many new homes are being built in the region in response to recent population growth. Because of these trends, we predict an increased demand for heating oil and recommend investment in Consolidated Industries, one of whose major business operations is the retail sale of home heating oil."

Write a response in which you examine the stated and/or unstated assumptions of the argument. Be sure to explain how the argument depends on these assumptions and what the implications are for the argument if the assumptions prove unwarranted.

Recommendation:应该增加对于Consolidated Industries的投资
Reason 1(unstated):因为Consolidated预期会获得大量利润(从而有分红)
Reason 1.1:heating oil的需求会上升;
Reason 1.2:Consolidated是主营heating oil的公司之一
Reason 1.1.1:未来的气候预计会变得越来越冷;
Reason 1.1.2:很多美国东北部的家庭习惯用oil取暖
Reason 1.1.3:更多的房屋将会被修建起来 ← Reason因为人口数量上升

因此作者做出了以下几个很明显有问题、也是在论证过程中很关键的假设:1. 气候变冷的预测是准确可靠的(而预测可能不准);2. 气候变冷之后人们还会用oil取暖(但可能采用太阳能);3. 新的房屋也是用oil取暖(但可能采用其他能源,这里和2类似,可以合并成“demand in heating oil不一定会上升”一起讲);4. 需求上升意味着Consolidated的利润上升(可能Consolidated运营成本很高,一直亏损;或者没有考虑竞争对手的实力)。按照这种思路,我们选取1,2,4这三个点,最后的成文为:

(502 words)
Based on the prediction that the demand for heating oil will increase, the author recommends investment in Consolidated Industries, one of whose major business operations is the retail sale of home heating oil. Although such investment seems reasonable and advisable, the author’s recommendation may be open to doubt because of several unsubstantiated assumptions regarding the prediction of an increased oil demand as well as the company’s profitability.

To start with, the argument essentially relies on a prediction that the cold weather pattern will continue, which implies an increased need for home heating energy sources. Yet the author does not justify this prediction but merely assumes the forecasters and their prediction to be reliable. The problem is that the climate system is highly intricate and human beings now only have limited understanding of it. As a result, any climate prediction may be more or less subject to uncertainties and errors. If, for example the forecasters mentioned in the argument are merely some undergraduates with little previous experience in climate forecasting, the credibility of this prediction will certainly be weakened. In this scenario, the predicted increase in oil demand as well as the investment recommendation itself would also be less believable.

Even if we assume that the prediction on the climate pattern is trustworthy, the predicted rise in heating oil demand still needs further substantiation. The author assumes that oil is the only energy source available in the market to fuel residential heating, which is apparently doubtful because there are probably many other existing and potential energy sources that could power residential heating systems as well. For instance, in the future people in the northeastern United States might switch to solar or wind energy due to the emission of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels, which are allegedly responsible for the climate change. Under such circumstances, the number of residents using oil to heat their houses is unlikely to increase, making Consolidated Industries less profitable than it is expected to be in the argument. In this light, the argument will be greatly weakened.

Granted that the oil demand will increase, it still remains unclear whether Consolidated could consequently enjoy a significant profit gain. The author assumes, without any justification, that the promising market certainly indicates increased profits of individual firms. Nevertheless, the profitability of a company can be influenced by many other factors such as competition, government policies as well as its own operation costs. It is possible that Consolidated is poorly managed and the operation costs are too high to be compensated by an increase in revenue. In this scenario, investment in Consolidated may not be prudent or advisable.

To summarize, since the author makes a series of unsubstantiated assumptions, his argument is open to doubt. In order to make his recommendation more believable, he should provide concrete evidence to prove that the cold climate pattern will continue, that residents will use oil as their primary home heating fuel and that Consolidate can enjoy a profit gain from the rising demand for heating oil.

1. 作者的假设是什么;
2. 作者的假设是如何联系到最终结论的;
3. 存在哪些可能的情况来disprove作者的假设;
4. 如果assumptions prove wrong,作者的结论会如何(显然,是less convincing或less believable)。

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发表于 2013-4-5 19:53:08 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-8-19 19:57:06 | 只看该作者
很好 很强大
发表于 2013-8-30 06:22:47 | 只看该作者
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