38. There are several ways to build solidwalls using just mud or clay, but the most extensively used method has been the formingof bricks out of mud or clay, and, after some preliminary air drying or sundrying, they are laidin the wall in mud mortar. (A) the forming of bricks out of mud orclay, and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, they are laid (B) forming the mud or clay into bricks,and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, to lay them (C) having bricks formed from mud orclay, and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, they were laid (D) to form the mud or clay into bricks,and, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, to lay them (E) that bricks were formed from mud orclay, which, after some preliminary air drying or sun drying, were laid
解析说C选项, having bricks formed from mud or clay,和they were laid不平行我不太明白的是为什么having bricks formed from mud or clay前面的东西不看呢?比如看成the most extensively used method has been the forming of bricks out of mud or clay一整句话,这样和后面的they were laid。。。不就是句子和句子平行了吗?我的问题可能很傻哈哈哈哈