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发表于 2004-12-21 02:25:00 | 只看该作者


16.   A county airport, designed to serve the needs of private aircraft owners, planned to cover its operating expenses in part by charging user fees to private aircraft using the airport. The airport was unable to pay its operating expenses because the revenue from user fees was lower that expected.

If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also be true?

(A) Most of the country’s citizens live a convenient distance from one or another airport now offering commercial airline services.

(B) Private aircraft owners were unwilling to pay the user fees charged at the airport.

(C) The airport’s construction was financed exclusively by private funds.

(D) The airport’s operating expenses were greater than the revenues raised from sources other than the airport user fees for private planes.D

(E) The number of owners of private aircraft who use the county’s airport facilities will not change appreciably in the future.

Why not B ?


(B) Private aircraft owners were unwilling to pay the user fees charged at the airport.

then you can get the conclusion:The airport was unable to pay its operating expenses because the revenue from user fees was lower that expected

BTw,If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also be true?可以看成是已知结论,找assumption ,


发表于 2004-12-21 06:54:00 | 只看该作者

1。这是MUST BE TRUE题,就是根据原文信息,那个选项一定对

2。关键理解原文最后一句话:用户费收不到预想的数额,所以operating expenses不够。又因为operating expenses来源包括用户费和其它。所以其它来源不可能高于operating expenses,否则用户费收得到收不到就不影响啦。所以D对。何原因导致用户费收不到预想的,原文没说,故B错。

 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-21 08:10:00 | 只看该作者

thanks lawyer. I am going to cry , I always misunderstood some words , such as :The airport’s operating expenses were greater than the revenues raised from sources other than the airport user fees for private planes.D) other than should be besides, but I mistaken it as instead of . now I know

发表于 2019-8-13 00:27:46 | 只看该作者
swimmingfrog 发表于 2004-12-21 02:25
16.   A county airport, designed to serve the needs of private aircraft owners, planned to ...


如果條件發生了, 預期結果不能發生, 是否是因為條件的滿足不充分來保證結果的發生呢?

B其實你要很直觀地去想, 不願意付錢, 那說老實話就沒有服務, 沒有服務, 怎麼會有營運費用呢?題目是講, 利潤少於營運費用。 意思是說, 利潤以及營業費用是存在的, 只是中間有差距, 無法完全補貼。

D. 喔, 所以就算條件發生了, 也不能夠充分的保證結果的發生。 就算收了錢,  錢也還是不夠啊
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