Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:11 pm 1. GPA 太低怎么办? Some applicants are concerned about their past academichistory and the competitiveness of their GPA. First, keep in mind that the AdmissionsCommittee reviews applicants with a very holistic approach. While important, alow undergraduate GPA in itself won’t prevent admission. Also note that whileyour GPA may be below a school’s average, it may be within its range.
That being said, a low GPA is still a weakness in yourapplication that should be addressed. If possible, start by acknowledging thisin the optional essay and providing an explanation (not an excuse!). Finally, proveto us that you’re capable of handling an extremely rigorous, and quant heavy,curriculum. You can do this by scoring well on the GMAT (or GRE), takingadditional, supplemental classes beyond your undergraduate degree andsubmitting well-written essays. It’s also important to clearly show us areasyou do excel in; leadership, global experiences, community involvement, etc.
总结: 对于GPA 太低的同学肯定不是件好事情。但是呢还是有些补救措施。你可以在学校的一篇叫“optional essay” 里面阐述为什么自己的GPA这么低。还需要展现出你能胜任这所学校的MBA 课程—比如上过其他补充课程,展示你的领导力,国际经验等等。
2. 年龄太轻申请MBA 怎么补? Regarding age as a factor in theadmissions process, we do see a wide range of candidate ages and years ofexperience. I am more focused on why you want an MBA than your age. If you are a candidatewith 5 or more years experience than the average candidate in ourpool(candidates average 5 years professional work experience) you need toprovide a compelling case as to why the MBA makes sense. If you are already academically and professionally accomplished, why is the MBA the critical next step for you and how does it makes sense when added to your resume, for example. For some,it is that critical next step to a career switch. The reason will be uniquelyyours and you just have to make the case to the committee. 总结:年龄是个问题,但是也是可以通过essay 来表述清楚你为什么要在这个时候读MBA, 对于你的帮助是什么。
3. 学术/工作背景和商科没有大关系怎么办? Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:26 pm We values unique experiences andindividuals – many students decide to go to business school with the intentionof switching careers, so you won’t be alone. Show us through your essays and interview how that unconventional experience will actually bring a different and positiveperspective to your classmates. Also, while you may not have beencrunching numbers, there’s a good chance you’ve been honing skills that willhelp you succeed in business; leadership traits, interpersonal skills,communication expertise, etc. Be sure to tell us the reality of the situation,not just what you think we want to hear. Is your previous work experience basedon a passion of yours? Wonderful! Let us know. Additionally, take some time toreflect on some important questions – for you and for us. What are yourlong-term goals? How will an MBA help you achieve them? Why now? 总结:如果你的工作背景或是学术背景和商科没有很大关系,没关系。其实很多商科的技能比如说领导力,交流能力都可以从别的工作领域里面展现和提高,只要在essay 里面表述出来即可。
Tue Jun 11, 2013 12:34 pm 4. 我的Global experience 不够多, 不够精彩怎么办? Like everything else, global experienceis an important factor in your application, but certainly not the only one. Youmay have more global experience than you think. Have you worked or lived outside your home country? Have you visited for an extended period of time? Have you worked with global clientswithin your home country? Do you know a second language? Or, maybe this is theperfect time to jump on that international opportunity you’ve been postponing.
总结:其实global experience 并没有想象的这么难达到,你在国外旅游,或者交换生项目,或者工作上和外国同事一起做项目都可以是。
5. 我的上司还不知道我有离职去读MBA的念头, 但我有需要他帮我写推荐信, 怎么办? This is a fairly common dilemma for many applicants. While it’s certainly helpful to have the insight of a directsupervisor, not having one is not a deal breaker. Consider reaching out to the person you reported to priorto your current boss. Other options may be current clients, a colleague who leda team for a project you worked on or the director of your department or team.The key thing to rememberis when selecting recommenders, focus on people who can really speak to yourstrengths (and weaknesses) in key areas such as leadership, teamwork,and aptitude. Steer clear of asking former professors, family members or yourlittle league coach. 总结:这确实是个两难的处境,纠结。但是不一定要找你的上司,可以找你的客户,同事或者以前工作的上司。