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[申请总结] 申请中不要犯的几个错误

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发表于 2013-5-17 23:30:20 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Wed Jan 30, 2013 1:06 pm

1.     One of the biggest mistakes that I see with B-school candidates isselecting target schools without appropriate program research andintrospection. Sometimes students are making choices based upon media rankingsor what they hear second-hand rather than taking the time to do the “duediligence” on program options.  

A few things tokeep in mind – decide on the factors that are absolute priorities – perhaps itis geography, program size, academic offerings, reputation, career outcomes,etc. and this will guide you to a subset of schools to consider. Fromthere, take a look at theclass profiles – do you have a profile that seems to fit with the type ofcandidates typically admitted? You will also want to examine the list of companies hiring candidatesand the standard types of career outcomes – you will need to assess ifyour career plan aligns with this. These are important factors that willultimately be factors that an Admissions committee will consider when theyreview your candidacy.  

I would alsoencourage you not to choose a school solely based upon expected cost – thereare a lot of great programs out there that offer scholarship support to makeB-school an affordable investment.


2.     Another common issue, even with candidates who are carefully preparing, iswhen applicants miscalculatehow much time is needed to prepare a great application. Otherwise, itmay result in essays that are sloppy, unedited, or templates rather thancustomized to the B-schools you are targeting.  

We also seestudents that may not budget enough time to prep for the GRE or GMAT –especially if it is their first attempt. Give yourself enough time, so that if your initial scoreis not as high as you hoped, you can consider a re-take without jeopardizingyour timeline for applying to B-school.  

Keep in mind that there will be last minute work or personal emergencies(sometimes even with your recommenders), so be sure to budget a lot ofadditional time so that you meet admission and scholarship deadlines.
给自己留出足够时间写文书和准备GMAT 考试。

3.     Another mistake to avoid ismisrepresenting yourself in the application process – whether by projectingyourself as a candidate that you think the B-school is hoping for, rather thanbeing yourself or choosing to share or omit information in your applicationthat is not really yours. This can jeopardize an admission offer.  

I think many students obsess over what to say and how to present theircandidacy – asking “What does the AdCom want to hear”. The bottom line, theAdCom wants to hear from you, not a hypothetical candidate that you think theywant to admit. Bottom line, be yourself.  

Also, manyAdmissions offices issue their offers, but also conduct background checkspost-admission, so what you have said (or not said) about your background maybe brought to light and risk you earning the right to enroll if there areinconsistencies. Make sure the facts add up – there are no perfectcandidates and we would rather see someone who is self-aware and can admit whatthey have learned from a mistake, rather than finding out that you were tryingto sweep something aside in hopes that we would miss it when we review your candidacy.

4.     Last but not least, candidates sometimes forget that every interactionwith the B-school - both pre- and post-application - is an opportunity for youto put your best foot forward (or vice-versa). Everything from e-mailcommunication to phone calls with alumni, current students, administrativestaff, etc. and comments in online communities and social media may be sharedwith the Admissions committee. So, no matter what, be courteous and professional in your dealings and interactions.  

Also, no matter whatthe outcome of your Admissions decision (Admit, Waitlist, Deny) be respectfuland professional in your dealings with the B-school. Applications arecarefully reviewed and there are usually a number of well-qualified candidateswho may not be admitted in a particular year. Many schools encourage are-application and since you never know if there will be personal orprofessional reasons why you might delay study (even if you get the offer), younever want to close a door on a relationship. The world is too small these daysin terms of the MBA-Admissions. Sometimes directors move from one organizationto another and you may run into someone that you didn’t think you would everinteract with again!
在任何平台和面试官接触的时候一定要respectful, professional就算被拒了也要恭敬对待。世界太小,有时候面试官从这个学校跳到另一个学校。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-5 21:56:31 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-6-8 01:48:19 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-6-18 23:18:17 | 只看该作者
发表于 2013-6-19 03:46:35 | 只看该作者
我加一个,写PS的时候不要只说自己的成长经历,要充分结合program,我吃过这个亏,被说文书so Asian...
 楼主| 发表于 2013-6-20 03:27:18 | 只看该作者
monalisa719 发表于 2013-6-19 03:46
我加一个,写PS的时候不要只说自己的成长经历,要充分结合program,我吃过这个亏,被说文书so Asian... ...

对对! 结合学校项目很重要。 而且每个学校的特点也不一样, 如果申请几个学校, 还要结合不同学校的特点来写, 所以工作量还是挺大的!~
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