题目:IT咨询业的领导力发展 演讲人:曾庆辉先生,Oracle公司全球零售业首席管理架构师,Oracle精英级认证获得者, 中欧管理中心(中欧国际工商学院前身)MBA90级毕业生 美国明尼苏达大学IT业华人协会主席 时间:6月22日(周五)19:00—20:30 地点:浦东红枫路699号中欧上海校园教学中心I-116教室 语言:英文 提纲: l 我的MBA之旅及其职业促进作用 l 当代全球商业环境概要 l 让领导者也与时俱进 l 如何在行内取得成功 l 我的操作建议
请在6月21日之前给予回复,联系人:张溶溶小姐,联系方式:电子邮件:admissions@ceibs.edu,或电话+86-21- 2890 5199。
附:中欧上海校园交通提示: 公交方案:乘609路、申川专线至红枫路明月路站下车南行100米即到 地铁的士换乘方案:乘地铁2号线至科技馆站7、8号出口,搭车至学校(车资约人民币20元) 学校将视校外参加者人数决定是否安排大巴接送,如有将另行通知
Dear friends,
We cordially invite you to attend CEIBS MBA Story Series on June 22th (Friday), presented by Mr. Qinghui (Philip) Zeng, the Chief Performance Architect at Oracle U.S. and MBA 90 Alumni of CEMI (predecessor of CEIBS, in Beijing from 1984 to 1994), on the subject of “Leadership Development in IT Industry”.
Philip joined Oracle U.S. as a Technical Architect Consultant in 2001. One year later, he was promoted to the Principal Performance Architect. He sits as the Chief Performance Architect since 2006. Philip was one of the first 12 Oracle Certified Masters. He has been served over 20 projects for top tier clients worldwide including Wal-Mart. Before working for Oracle, he has lots of years professional experience in China and Australia. Currently, he is also the President of Minnesota Chinese IT Association.
In his speech, Mr. Zeng will introduce his MBA journey, illustrate the current business environment, explain how to be a “switched-on” leaders and how to succeed. He will also give some practical suggestions on the career advancement in IT/Consulting industry. We leave time for your interaction.
Topic: Leadership Development in IT Industry Speaker: Mr. Qinghui (Philip) Zeng, Chief Performance Architect, Global Retail Business, Oracle U.S., Oracle Certified Master, MBA90 Alumni of CEMI (predecessor of CEIBS), President of Minnesota Chinese IT Association Time: 19:00—20:30, June 22, Friday Venue: Lecture Room 116, Academic Centre I, CEIBS Shanghai Campus, No. 699 Hongfeng Road, Pudong Language: English Outline: l How MBA Course Helps with My Career l Current Business Environment l The “Switched-on” Leaders l How to Succeed l Some Practical Suggestions l Q&A
Please RSVP before June 21 to Ms. Angela Zhang at admissions@ceibs.edu or telephone 86-21-28905199.
See you then!
P.S. Transportation way to campus:
Bus: Line 609 or Shen Chuan Special: Mingyue Road & Hongfeng Road Station, 100-metre South Away
Metro plus Taxi: Metro Line II, Shanghai Science & Technology Station, Exit 7 or 8, take taxi there (Fare: RMB20 roughly)
Shuttle Bus: TBA (depends on number of the registers outside campus)
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-6-19 11:24:36编辑过] |