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发表于 2004-12-8 08:17:00 | 只看该作者


5.E            Some people have questioned why the Homeowners Association is supporting Cooper’s candidacy for mayor. But if the Association wants a mayor who will attract more businesses to the town, Cooper is the only candidate it could support. So, since the Association is supporting Cooper, it must have a goal of attracting more businesses to the town.

The reasoning in the argument is in error because

(A) the reasons the Homeowners Association should want to attract more businesses to the town are not given

(B) the Homeowners Association could be supporting Cooper’s candidacy for reasons unrelated to attracting businesses to the town

(C) other groups besides the Homeowners Association could be supporting Cooper’s candidacy

(D) the Homeowners Association might discover that attracting more businesses to the town would not be in the best interest of its membersB

(E) Cooper might not have all of the skills that are needed by a mayor who wants to attract businesses to a town

No copper-àno more business

Copper-àmore business


发表于 2004-12-9 11:54:00 | 只看该作者

error of the reasoning: mistaken reversal

if association wants a mayor who will attract business, then it will support Cooper; (A---B)

it is supporting Cooper, so it has a goal of attracing more business.(B---A)

So the association may be supporting Cooper for a reason other than attracting business.

E talks about the skill of Cooper, which is never mentioned in the argument. it is therefore irrelevant.

一个小小的建议: 在做这样的题目时, 在看完问题之后,停顿几秒,自己把STIMULUS 中的错误找出来 (这类题目在不看答案就应该能自己看出错误) 然后去看答案,找和你的想法一致的. 这样能排除干扰。E本身听起来很有道理,所以会造成很大的干扰

 楼主| 发表于 2004-12-10 06:32:00 | 只看该作者
I see. Thx!
发表于 2019-8-12 20:48:21 | 只看该作者
chelseayang 发表于 2004-12-9 11:54
error of the reasoning: mistaken reversalif association wants a mayor who will attract business, the ...

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所属分类: 法学院申请


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