Is $40,000 the annual scholarship or is that for two-year program? If it is the former, I think it must be the full scholarship. As far as I know, the highest amout Chinese student received last year was $70,000 for two years.
Anyway, congratulations on this big offer!
之前有收到信说要把我放进waiting list,需要回复邮件确认。然后当时因为有了心仪的offer所以没有回复那封信,结果。。。结果今天收到Brian的信说录取了,还给了40,000刀/year的奖。。。我都很有冲动回复说是不是发错人了。。。 -- by 会员 橙风飘叶 (2013/3/12 19:12:16)