你现在在香港还是内地,如果在内地的话确实现在比较难签出,即使公司愿意sponsor,也要做好持久战的准备; 如果已经在香港,续工作签的话,一般都没什么问题 -- by 会员 beiwoyu (2012/12/7 22:44:30)
我在内地,不过我有5年左右的工作经验。感觉公司应该会尽量帮我办签证,因为是他们的CEO亲自主动邀请我过去的。被拒的那个女孩刚从美国毕业,没有工作经验,但HR说可能是双非的原因,担心我也会受到双非的影响,所以提前提示我一下。邮件内容如下: For your information, one of our work visa application for a mainland girl is being rejected by Immigration Department recently. I think they are tightening the selection after the禁止“雙非”孕婦來港分娩條例started.
We will try our best to assist in your case but just want to let you know the real situation in advance.