OG11th-Diagnostic Test 45.(SC) 请教: 45. In 1923, the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional a minimum wage for women and chirdren in the District of Columbia, ruling that it was a form of price fixing and, as such, an abridgment of the right of contract. 因为没有在大全找到原题, 所以将句子手敲,请大家多多包涵. 我想问的是荧光部分, 作何结构, 作何解释? as such 不常见到, 是such as 的倒装? 如果说an abridgment of the right of contract 是作declared的宾语的话, 那么句子结构就是declare unconstitutional...and an abridgment , 这样的话 为何还要加as such, 难道是作强调? 谢谢各位先~~~~
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