In any field—business, politics, education, government—those in powershould be required to step down after five years.
Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explainyour reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting yourposition, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing thepolicy and explain how these consequences shape your position.
The speaker asserts that in any field, leaders of them should be requiredto step down after five years. From my point of view, this claim is toocategorical because the speaker doesn't consider the differences between those fields.I think that in political arena, those in power should step down from thethrone while in other fields such as business and education, it is now alwaystrue.
If we give a close look into politics, we can see that political influencefrom a leader is always strong. For instance, let's consider a president who isalways adulating riches, say an extreme Republican, if he is power for a longtime, poor people will become poorer and poorer. This will lead to resentmentfrom people who are not that wealthy. And those people will demonstrate or eventopple the government, and the country will in a mess. If people can choosetheir political leaders every several years, such kind of things can beavoided. Furthermore, a president is always not allowed to take a step just by himself.There always be a procedure made by representatives, senates and even people inthe nation before a bill is make. In this sense, a president will not makesevere mistakes in general. In other words, there will be not necessarily longtime for a president to make trial and error before he get used to public. Inthis case, those in power's being required to step down every five years is agood choice and is also an effective and also commonly used way to avoidautocrats like Hitler.
If we know something in the business field, we can easily see that CEOsshouldn't be changed too frequently. It's well known that the CEO in formerApple, Steve Jobs, or the CEO in Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, had been the leaderof the firm for a long time. Those leaders in business field are always filledwith extraordinary ideas as well as mature management skills. It always takes arelatively long time before the ideas come true. If those in power change everyfive years, they hardly have time to stretch out what's in their mind, and finally,the prosper blueprints will become totally mirage.
In the education field, I don't think we should drive away our principlesor chancellors frequently. In the one hand, it's very similar to what happensin business firms. On the other hand, principles have to make policies or rulesfor students after considering a long time and experiencing a lot or gettingfamiliar to students. We can see that most of the basic rules in HarvardUniversity have been kept for more than 200 years. It indicates that thoserules are the symbol of a school and the principles at the very beginning hadconsidered and also experienced a lot by trial and error before put it intopractice. It must have taken a long time to make the rules reasonable andeffective. Therefore, changing principles too often will no doubt hamper thedevelopment of a blooming school.
To sum up, whether the speaker's assertion is right depends on specificfields. It can be proved true in politics. However, it contradicts the facts insome other areas. We can imagine that if such a policy, which is requiringthose in power to step down after five years, is applied to each corner of thesociety, our future will be ruined. |