作者:asianjoel 1.最贵最快最省心的方法是将你的具体信息和要寄送的学校系别,告诉你美国的同学让他们用电话寄。 now i prepare to apply my final schools of next fall 2003 as my last straws. please help me to notify ETS to send scores for me. charge me with my master card. 学校 department TOEFL学校号 TOEFL系号 Michigan State University Chemistry 4839 62 TOEFL : If you live in the United States, U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, or Canada, call toll-free 1-888-863-3544 card No. ************ expiry date 12/2005 name: Z X My birthday is Nov. **, 19** My TOEFL score is REGISTRATION# 835**** TEST DATE: 10/20/2001 Section I: 5* Section II: 6* Section II: 6* Total 6** TWE: 4.0 2.或稍慢一些,填好ets的成绩寄送表,fax过去,是最省钱的方法。但你得有国际信用卡。 3.最慢最贵最不可靠的是,办汇票将表邮寄过去。如没信用卡,也没办法。