以下是引用joywzy在2003-4-15 9:59:00的发言: 159. While depressed property values can hurt some large investors, they are potentially devastating for home-owners, whose equity--in many cases representing a life's savings--can plunge or even disappear.
they are potentially devastating for homeowners, whose they can potentially devastate homeowners in i. that their for homeowners they are potentially devastating, because their for homeowners, it is potentially devastating in that their it can potentially devastate homeowners, whose
偶这样做的这题: it ==> DE X for ==> CD X can ==> B X. 因为:没有特殊理由,不可加情态动词。
so A is left, although "devastating for " is a little strange to me. 事实上,我是做完题对答案时才发现devastating for挺别扭。
仔细看来,b中的in that很没来头,无法还原。in owners? in values? |