50 The bank holds$3 billion in loans that are seriously delinquent or in such trouble that they do not expect payments when due.
A.they do not expect payments when B.it does not expect payments when it is C.it does not expect payments to be made when they are D.payments are not to be expected to be paid when E.payments are not expected to be paid when they will be
N ved vs N to be done N done 表示N内在的固有的特性 henry bishop was the first knighted musician in britain. --> this makes it seem as though being 'knighted' is an inherent quality with which henry bishop was born, or that he acquired it naturally/accidentally in some other way N to be done 表示人为的干涉赋予这个名词的属性, 而不是名词内在的浑然天成的属性 NOUN to be VERBed' is generally the preferred form in discussing the results of human efforts/actions/interference/perception/etc., while 'first VERBed NOUN' is generally used to indicate inherent qualities of the noun henry bishop was the first musician to be knighted by a british monarch. --> knighting is performed by humans 表示将要发生属性。 Eg Although the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, it had not been announced until February, 1968. (A) Same (B) Although not announced until February, 1968, in the summer of 1967 graduate student Jocelyn Bell observed the first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted. (C) Although observed by graduate student Jocelyn Bell in the summer of 1967, the discovery of the first sighted pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, had not been announced before February, 1968. (D) The first pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, to be sighted was observed in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell, but the discovery was not announced until February, 1968. (E) The first sighted pulsar, or rapidly spinning collapsed star, was not announced until February, 1968, while it was observed in the summer of 1967 by graduate student Jocelyn Bell. 256. (28362-!-item-!-188;#058&003003) (T-4-Q1 TS-7-41) Scientists have dated sharp-edged flakes of stone found in the fine-grained sediments of a dry riverbed in the Afar region of Ethiopia to between 2.52 and 2.60 million years ago, pushing back by more than 150,000 years the earliest date when it is known that humans made stone tools. A. when it is known that humans made B. at which it is known that humans had made C. at which humans are known to have made D. that humans are known to be making E. of humans who were known to make