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发表于 2003-5-21 21:02:00 | 只看该作者


[face=Arial]                                        让我们共同面对
为北京大学医学部(原北京医科大学)被SARS 感染的医护人员捐款的倡议书


      当SARS 肆虐神州大地的时候,北医大仿佛一夜之间被置于了风暴的中心,而北医大的三家大型综合附属医院(北大医院、人民医院、北医三院),三家专业医院(北大肿瘤医院、北大口腔医院、北大精神病研究所)及北大首钢医院更是成为了抗击SARS 的最前线。面对生与死的考验,我们的师长,我们的同窗,我们的师弟师妹前仆后继,用自己的血肉之躯筑起了一道抗疫的屏障。他们比任何人都清楚,SARS 感染会对身体带来永久性的损伤,但他们没有退缩,他们肩负起祖国的重托,人民的希望,用自己的行动捍卫了“健康所系,性命相托”的神圣誓言。到5月1日,北大医院、人民医院、第三医院共收治SARS 病人700多名,超过北京市病例总数的四分之一(北京市共有30 余家1000 张床以上的医院)。北医系统内在SARS 第一线工作的医护人员共1900 多人,预备人员近2500 人。医护人员超负荷工作,承受着精神和肉体的巨大压力。他们用自己的健康甚至生命为代价为病人点燃了希望之光。以下数据截止至5月6日:

    北大医院:医务人员感染26 人。共开设三个SARS 病房(每一个SARS 病房均为两个老的外科病房合并而成)和急诊留观室(新行政楼一层)用于SARS 治疗。同时负责胸科医院的124 张床,外派医务人员逾450 人。
    人民医院:因感染人数众多被迫于4 月23 日关闭。医务人员感染76 人,隔离医务人员700 余人,外派医务人员71 人。
    北医三院:医务人员感染18 人,外派医务人员223 人。
    北大肿瘤医院、北大口腔医院、北大精神病研究所及北大首钢医院也相继开设发烧门诊并派出大批医护人员参与SARS 病人的救治。
    医学部学生:感染10 余人。
    随着SARS 疫情的继续,这些数字每天都有可能增长。



本次募捐为定向募捐。具体的受捐人为:北医系统内所有因参与SARS 救治工作而感染的医护人员。由于SARS,北医系统内各家医院的门诊量,住院病人,住院手术均大幅度下降,同时支出大幅度上升,医院处于严重亏损经营的状态。本次所有捐款将用于补助北医系统内所有因参与SARS 救治工作而感染的医护人员。如果捐款数额较少,我们将考虑购买医用个人防护用具。

我们成立了“北医校友SARS 捐赠联络小组”,来协调整个募捐,希望能得到各界朋友的支持。我们邀请了美国密西根大学中国学生学者联谊会(UM-CSSA) 将负责捐赠款项的管理和监督工作。[如需有关账户管理的详情,请和美国密西根大学中国学生学者联谊会主席余浩先生(联系。] 捐赠者可以把支票(美元)寄给下面的地址:

BMU Alumni SARS Donation Coordination Team
c/o Yu Xiao
4777 148th Ave. NE, Apt. C-104
Bellevue, WA 98007

支票的抬头请写:UM-CSSA。如果希望抵税,支票的抬头请写:Ann Hua Chinese School,我们会将收据寄给您。请在支票的memo 一栏注明“BMU Alumni SARS Donation”。我们会将捐款经中国红十字会转给北医。邮寄支票时,请告知您的电子邮件信箱,以便我们能在收到您的支票后及时给予确认。如果您是北医校友,请注明您的入学及毕业年份,专业。如果您不希望您的全名出现在捐款名单上,我们可以用您姓名的缩写,请也一并注明。



ChaseDream 网站(

密歇根大学中国学生学者联合会(University of Michigan CSSA)

安华中文学校(Ann Hua Chinese School)

于国富 律师

邑晓东 副主任医师(代表校友,北医大83 届校友)
北大医院骨科8610-66171122-2416 8610-66171122-2326

黄升轩(代表Chasedream 网)
中国国际贸易促进委员会 8610-68013344-8902

于国富 律师
北京市一格律师事务所 8610-85804928

                               Stay Together
Call for Donation to Support Medical Staff at Beijing Medical University

Dear Alumni and Friends of Beijing Medical University (BMU),

When Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) attacked Beijing in early April, Peking University Health Science Center (former Beijing Medical University), the top medical school in China, was put in the center of this storm overnight. At the same time all BMU affiliated hospitals have been at the forefront of this war since the beginning of the outbreak, especially the three large general hospitals (the Peking University First Hospital, the People’s Hospital, and the Peking University Third Hospital). To face this disaster, the physicians and nurses in our Alma Mater used their bodies as a line of defense. Although they know more clearly than anyone else that how dangerous SARS is and the permanent damage associated with infection, nobody hesitated to do their duty. Their actions exemplify the Hippocratic Oath. Up to May 1st, the Peking University First Hospital, the People’s Hospital, and the Peking University Third Hospital had already treated more than 700 SARS patients, which is more than a fourth of the total SARS patients in Beijing (there are more than thirty similar sized hospitals in Beijing). So far, over 1,900 BMU medical staff members have been sent to the forefront and another 2,500 medical staff members are on the waiting list. Those physicians and nurses have to work for weeks under intense pressure and grave danger. They have fought very hard and paid a heavy price.

At the Peking University First Hospital, 26 medical staff members are infected with SARS. There are 3 specific SARS wards plus the observation ward of the Emergency Department for SARS patient treatment. More than 450 medical staff members have been sent to other hospitals to manage another 124 beds for SARS patients.

At the People’s Hospital, 76 medical staff members are infected with SARS. It was closed on April 23rd due to serious SARS contamination. About 700 medical staff members are under quarantine inside the hospital. 71 medical staff members were sent to other hospitals to treat SARS patients.

At the Peking University Third Hospital, 18 medical staff number have been infected with SARS. 223 medical staff members were sent to other hospitals to treat SARS patients.

Since the disease is not totally under control, the number of infected medical staff members may increase in the near future.

Although we are far away from our homeland, we never stop paying attention to the developing situation. We would like to call you for donations. It is time to support our medical staff; it is the time to support our school. At this time, we can not directly participate in the clinical treatment, but we can still let the medical staff know that
they are not alone. Our hearts are with them and our blessings go along with them through the storm together.

The Goal:
To support the medical staff at BMU who were infected with SARS while on the job. If the amount of money is not enough, we plan to buy the personal protection equipment.

Some alumni of BMU in North America
Yu Xiao
Yu Zhang

We invited the Chinese Student and Scholar Association at the University of Michigan (UM-CSSA) to help us manage the donation account. (For more information about the account management issue, please contact the President of UM-CSSA, Mr. Hao YU at Donors can mail checks in US dollar to the following address:

BMU Alumni SARS Donation Coordination Team
c/o Yu Xiao
4777 148th Ave. NE, Apt. C-104
Bellevue, WA 98007

Please make checks payable to "UM-CSSA". For tax deduction, please make checks payable to “Ann Hua Chinese School”. We will send receipt to you. Please indicate "BMU Alumni SARS Donation" in the memo on the check. We will transfer your donations to BMU via China Red Cross. Please tell us your email address when mailing checks so that we can send you the confirmation of receiving your checks. If you are the alumni of BMU, please indicate your enrollment year, graduation year, and major. If you do not want your full name appears on the donation list, please tell us.

The Management:
We have a specific webpage to show the development of the donation funding; it will
be refreshed daily and can be browsed both from China and North America. We have
one team in Beijing to monitor the use of the donated money. We will ask the
hospitals to supply a list of people who are eligible for donations. Our Beijing team
will check that list.

Cooperation: (the largest league of Chinese MBA students in elite business schools. They will help us establish webpage, provide volunteers, and manage the use of donation money in Beijing)

Chinese Student and Scholar Association at the University of Michigan (UM-CSSA) (They will help us manage the donation account. They already successfully drove the donation campaign for SARS patients in Western China)

Ann Hua Chinese School (They generously provide non-profit account number for this donation)

Yu, Guofu, J.D. Beijing Eagle Law Firm

Beijing Team:
Yi, Xiaodong, M.D. (BMU 86’ Clinical Medicine)
The associated professor of Dept. of Orthopedics,
Peking University First Hospital  8610-66171122-2655

Huang, Shengxuan (representative of

Yu, Guofu, J.D.
Beijing Eagle Law Firm  8610-85804928[/face]

发表于 2003-5-21 21:57:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-5-22 10:23:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-5-23 11:13:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-5-24 09:40:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-5-25 03:14:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2003-6-4 16:42:00 | 只看该作者
Good job!
发表于 2003-7-13 14:54:00 | 只看该作者

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