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发表于 2021-2-16 05:52:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
小弟备考GMAT, 在比较题型中频频出错,以下两道题还请各路大神帮忙解释,感谢!

1. In addition to having more protein than wheat does, the protein in rice is higher quality than that in wheat, with more of the amino acids essential to the human diet.

(A) the protein in rice is higher quality than that in

(B) rice has protein of higher quality than that in

(C) the protein in rice is higher in quality than it is in

(D) rice protein is higher in quality than it is in

(E) rice has a protein higher in quality than

2. According to recent studies comparing the nutritional value of meat from wild animals and meat from domesticated animals, wild animals have less total fat than do livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat they think is good for cardiac health.

(A) wild animals have less total fat than do livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat they think is

(B) wild animals have less total fat than livestock fed on grain and more of a kind of fat thought to be

(C) wild animals have less total fat than that of livestock fed on grain and have more fat of a kind thought to be

(D) total fat of wild animals is less than livestock fed on grain and they have more fat of a kind thought to be

(E) total fat is less in wild animals than that of livestock fed on grain and more of their fat is of a kind they think is

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发表于 2021-2-16 23:29:06 | 只看该作者
第1题   以下讨论供楼主参考:

第2题   GmatLa的老师是这样分析的:

B选项:Correct. 本选项在逻辑和语法上均是正确的。

C选项:fat of a kind需改为a kind of fat。a kind of是一个固定搭配,表示某一种,不能拆分。of a kind表示“同一类,相似的”,显然不符合本题的含义。另外,这里的that of略有赘余的嫌疑,虽然可以比较两种动物的脂肪,但比较两种动物已经足够清楚,所以这个that of可以不必要添加。

D选项:比较对象不对等,应该比较的是野生动物和家养动物。fat of a kind需改为a kind of fat错误同选项(C)。

E选项:代词they的指代错误同(A)。fat is of a kind错误原理同选项(C)。

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