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阅读第一篇关于海洋底部是否存在生物。提到了一个A zone 说Forbes曾经做了一个实验,从一个海洋提取各种生物,发现他们来自不同的深度,在最下面是没有生物的。其实是有的,但他觉得没有是因为他的提取生物的篮子不好,开口太小,网孔太大。还有一个F,他觉得海底没生物因为很冷,水会结冰,但他们忽略了冰会浮上来的事实(考题)。 其实在forbes之前,就有人从海底提取到生物过了,所以其实Forbes是不对的。 第二篇,我就记得很难== 第三篇,生物学过哈哈!关于自然选择,说的是pepper moth!说的是Kelly怎么证明在工业革命期间,英国等地方的pepper moth从light color 变成dark color(melanin ) 大家可以翻一下生物书,简直就是复述。
sensible-resonable bulk-largest part
口语1:what advice will you give to a child who just starts school? Why do you think your advice will help him? 2. do you prefer to buy 做好了的 food, or buy fresh materials and make by yourself? 3. passage: allow to use laptop at class Man disagree students will not concentrate on lecture, they will use laptop to play games, e-mail... not everyone has a computer. so professor can't ask all the students to surf on the internet at class. it's not a good teaching tool
4. Suspension of emotion?具体忘了 就是说看话剧之类的时候,人会忘记这是假的然后情感投入进去。 教授说大学时,他roommate richard 演老人,开始他就觉得只是他roommate with grey hair and move slowly,后来他越来越觉得less a roommate, more a old man. roommate 扮演一个人的father,ill,out of work, family can't pay bills. 教授很sad worry 后来家里好起来了每个人都有了工作,pay bills。教授relief happy
5.女生想参加skiing club activity in weekend, 但cousin 要来共进晚餐 S1. explain to cousin, ask him to come on Friday 怕offensive S2. join the club on Sunday .drive to the mountain by herself. Not worthy
6.snail 2 way to protect itself from heat and dry a. heat:move to shade of vegetation, attached to wall or trees b.drought :secrete sticky substance on shell. hide into the shell for long time. body slows down. 等有水了,再出来
作文 综合比较不一样。 passage:3 evidence why cloud seeding is effective way to protect crops from hail. 1.lab experiment: silver iodide 把 cold water vapor 变成light snow 2.Asian country urban cities use cloud seeding decrease rain precipitation. 3. Local study: some areas hail damage decrease after using cloud seeding
Lecture: 1. in real, 可以变成各种东西,rain snow hail。有可能会威胁到一些区域是他们干旱 2. urban polluted ,污染给cloud seeding provide favorable condition some particles interact. 在美国farming area木有pollution,不一定管用 3.整个区域不管用没用cloudseeding 都下降了。应该是weather variation造成的
独立写作:For the development of a country, it's more important to spend money on education of very young children(5-10years old) than to spend on universities. |