之前没有注意到,今天再看OG12-39题C 题目是:In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled (so as to marry Anne Boleyn). C项是:to be married to 解释是:The infinitive here should be preceded by a conjunction(in order); to marry is preferable to the wordier to be married to. 我是想问前半句。之前好多资料都说to do 是对in order to do的省略,表示目的。这是第一次发现不能省略in order。原因是什么呢?是因为前面的动词和动词宾语部分内容太多了吗? 谢谢大家解释。我没有看到这方面的之前解释,如果有的话,感谢大家把链接贴给我。谢谢!