The colorization of black-and-white films by computers is defended by those who own the film rights, for the process can mean increased revenues for them; many others in the film industry, however, contend that the technique degrades major works of art, which they liken to putting lipstick on a Greek statue. (A) which they liken to putting lipstick on a Greek statue (B) which they liken to a Greek statue with lipstick put on it (C) which they liken to lipstick put on a Greek statue (D) likening it to a Greek statue with lipstick put on it (E) likening it to putting lipstick on a Greek statue 正确答案是E,但是个人觉得E中it的指代存在一定歧义。我选的B,which指的是major works of art,被比作a Greek statue也貌似合理。求解释~ -- by 会员 leisure258 (2012/4/1 14:13:26)
首先从意思看,作者是想说the technique degrades major works of art这个东西整体likening......ABC排除 然后It是个形式主语吧哦觉得,指代后面的to.......不过我个人觉得这个it是用地不太好。。继续求NN指点 |