我想了半天,觉得有一个说法说得通,就是B里面是 An executive (who is heavily committed to a course of action),( especially one that worked well in the past,) makes missing signs of incipient trouble or misinterpreting ones likely when they do appear. 是an executive makes sth. likely这样怪怪的,缺少一个原因,为什么an executive makes sth. likely?表述的不是很清晰,设想一下,如果when they do appear改一下形式,放在句首—— When missing sighs do appear, an excutive who is heavily committed to a course of action, especially one that worked well in the past, makes sth. likely .这样是不是因果关系就清晰多了呢?就像E里面,逻辑关系其实就表述的很清楚。所以我觉得B的问题不在于语法什么的,在于谁表达得更好,个人浅见哈~ -- by 会员 cireb (2011/7/24 10:39:11)
恩恩,我也认为B没有什么语法问题,也许OG想表达的意思就是要放在句首更idiom一点——暂时也没有想到更好的解释。 谢谢你的帮助~ 。 |