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[求助]university of michigan的mba怎么样?

发表于 2004-8-2 13:28:00 | 只看该作者

[求助]university of michigan的mba怎么样?



发表于 2004-8-2 15:54:00 | 只看该作者
不知道你说的是michegan 还是~ state.   前面是N校, 后面就比较一般.  
发表于 2004-8-3 00:59:00 | 只看该作者

Come on, the boy stated it clearly "The University of Michigan". That MBA program is tradtionally considered among the top 10 group, and its operation management is even ranked No. 1 or 2. Most of the Michigan MBAs are popular among corporate America, just like most of Chicagoer and Whartonies crowd the major investment banks in America.

发表于 2004-8-5 23:30:00 | 只看该作者
it's a great school and great environment in Ann Arbor area, you should go for it
发表于 2004-8-12 00:44:00 | 只看该作者

先简单说几句关于University of Michigan Business School(UMBS)吧,其他的情况以后再陆续补充

1. 自1988年Business Week开始有排名以来,很多学校在前十名里进进出出,但是迄今为止始终保持在前十名的商学院仅有HBS, Wharton, Kellogg和UMBS这四所学校。最新的US News排名UMBS是第十名。

2. UMBS是在Business Week2002排名中唯一一所在所有五个functional areas(finance, general management, marketing, technology, globa scope, and career services)中均跻身前五的商学院。

3. 排名其实仅仅是一方面,对于MBA学生来说,更重要的雇主对于商学院学生的印象,因为最终给工作的是雇主而不是排名机构。华尔街日报2003年向雇主进行的"Best Business School"调查中,UMBS在排名前50的商学院中排名第三,在"Schools of significnat size"中位列第一。

4. 传统的美国Top10商学院中大多是属于综合性的私立学校。University of Michigan是一所公立学校,不事张扬,但是一直矢志于成为全美公立学校的典范。凭借深厚的积淀和强大的教学研究力量,University of Michigan使得自己的商学院在教学质量上不逊色与其他私立的优秀商学院。雇主往往欣赏UMBS学生的"well-rounded management education and ability to achieve results"

5. Michigan位于传统工业区,商学院在Manufacture/Operation/technology领域传统上享有更高的声誉,毕业生前往IB/MC等领域的比例相对其他Top10商学院来说略微偏低。而传统上IB和MC是MBS学生的两大来源,因此很多MBA的申请者对UMBS了解就相对要少一些。

6. UMBS正是由于各方面的实力均很强,而且传统上也不被雇主简单认为是某一类型的偏科学校(如Finance B-School, Marketing B-School或是General Management B-School),因此来学校招聘的企业可能会是各行各业,对于毕业生来说就意味着更广阔的职业选择。

本周末在北京和上海UMBS将分别举办Reception, 感兴趣的MBA申请者可以去那里了解更多的信息

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-8-12 23:20:00编辑过]
发表于 2004-8-12 08:23:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-8-16 13:56:00 | 只看该作者

In the eyes of Chinses people, it is hard to figure out the difference between U Michigan and MSU.

So U Michigan is not recommended if fame factor is taken into consideration.

发表于 2004-8-16 20:37:00 | 只看该作者

Not to affend you manx, regarding fame factor, how many noraml Chinese know about Wharton or Kellogg? But no one will doubt they are great schools.

发表于 2004-8-17 03:13:00 | 只看该作者

Impression on Michigan Reception in Beijing

It was a wonderful day for all Michigan people and MBS prospective students in Beijing last Saturday. Though we had a busy schedule (especial for Mengdan, Chen Peng and Shaun, who were the on-spot organizers for this event), the experience was definitely invaluable and unforgettable.

In the morning, Mengdan (the Associate director of the Admissions Office) had a Mass media reception, followed by an online chat with

In the afternoon, Michigan information session was held at Traders Hotel. This year, the hall was smaller but made us feel closer. Mengdan gave a brief introduction of MBS, which sketched out a vivid picture of MBS, especial the four core values and MAP (Multi-Disciplinary Action Project). Though Mengdan had to overcome the time difference and tiredness of long-distance trip, she impressed us with her clear expatiation and her smile. David Lee, an alumnus of class 97, took the role of keynote speaker again this year. He led us to look back his road from an MBA to a consultant with the assistance of Michigan. (David called it as the old story of last century). With personal story and real feeling, Davids speech was as attractive and humorous as he made in last year.

Then, all other Michigan people debuted. Nine presented alumni were from leading investment banks and consultant firms, top-notch telecom/IT companies, and fast-growing startups. Their backgrounds had verified MBSs diverse students pool and business education strength on all-crossed disciplines. They all expressed their impressions of Michigan and answered tons of questions at the Q&A part. Two first year students (Cheng Peng and Shaun) and three incoming students (Richard, Sarah and me) also took questions. Around 40-50 perspective students showed up. And yes, they really had interests on MBS since most of them brought many questions with them.

发表于 2004-8-17 06:16:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用manx在2004-8-16 13:56:00的发言:

In the eyes of Chinses people, it is hard to figure out the difference between U Michigan and MSU.

So U Michigan is not recommended if fame factor is taken into consideration.

Do you have supporting documents? if you don't have, then it's just your opinion (not general Chinese people) and your personal opinion will be misleading to people here.

And it would be better if you give more details. According to both US news and Business Week, overally there are much more differences, but if you only go for supply chain management, MSU is probably even better.

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