以下是引用flywood在2004-9-1 0:12:00的发言:39. For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, protecting warriors against enemy arrows and spears. Lawmakers are examining measures that would require banks to disclose all fees and account requirements in writing, provide free cashing of government checks, and to create basic savings accounts to carry minimal fees and require minimal initial deposits.
(D) to provide free cashing of government checks, creating basic savings accounts to carry
(E) to provide free cashing of government checks, and to create basic savings accounts that carry
Choice D loses parallelism by dropping the conjunction and', a modification problem results because the participial phrase creating ... attaches to the noun checks, thus distorting the meaning of the last element of the parallel construction. 这两题比较晕,原来我以为现在分词加逗号后肯定就不可能做定语,做定语修饰肯定是紧紧跟在所修饰词的后面,现在看来不是如191,OG的解释明显给出是做定语,还有看OG39,PROTECTING的做作用,我查了以前的贴子到底做定语和状语争论不休,看了半天还是不明白到底做什么. 我的问题是:怎么判断分词结构是做定语呢还是状语,根据逻辑意思吗? 我手头没有语法书,希望大家讨论讨论
191. Lawmakers are examining measures that would require banks to disclose all fees and account requirements in writing, [to provide free cashing of government checks, (creating basic savings accounts to carry minimal fees and require minimal initial deposits.)]这么理解比分词大老远地去就是主句要合理