修饰语是句子当中修饰某人、某事或者某个动作的部分,尽管有时候修饰语可能只是简单的一个词(the charming lady),但在GMAT考试中,更多时候修饰语是一个非常复杂的成分。
Returning from ex-girlfriend’s wedding, Alex felt frustrated.
在例句中,整个分句Returning from ex-girlfriend’s wedding 都作为修饰Alex的修饰语,像类似的出现在句子开头的修饰语,叫做opening modifier,其与需要修饰的部分通过逗号隔开,这种结构在GMAT中非常常见。
1)形容词+形容词+名词【Adjectives + Adjectives + Nouns】
2)副词+形容词+名词【Adverbs + Adjectives + Nouns】
Alex’ girlfriend is a supposed charming girl.——Wrong
Alex’ girlfriend is a supposedly charming girl.——Right
通过这两个简单的例句可以看出两个句式的区别:第一句当中,使用了Adjectives + Adjectives + Nouns的句式,于是supposed和charming都变成了girl的形容词,但逻辑上,Alex’ girlfriend肯定是一个女孩,根本无须加上supposed这个形容词;而在第二句中,supposedly作为副词修饰的是charming,也就是说存在不确定性的只是Alex’ girlfriend是不是charming,很明显这样更符合作者的原意。
除去简单的修饰语以外,短语、从句等构成的长修饰语通常分为两类,名词修饰语(Noun Modifier)和动词修饰语(Verb Modifier),这两种修饰语的正确使用既是本章的重点,也是GMAT中出题率非常高的考点。
二、名词修饰语(Noun Modifier)
| The beautiful and tall girl is Alex’s girlfriend.
| The girl, beautiful and tall, is Alex’s girlfriend.
| On the couch, Alex took a nap.
| The boy on the couch is Alex’s nephew.
| Tired from writing report, Alex fell into sleep.
| Alex, tired from writing report, fell into sleep.
| Returning from Qinghai, Alex feels tired.
| The carcass lying on the floor is his pet.
| The beauty who loves Alex is his girlfriend.
| A successful singer as well, she got the music prize.
| Alex, a smart analyst, did his job well.
一个用来形容另一个名词的名词词组叫做同位语(appositive),如最后一个例子当中,a smart analyst是作为名词修饰语修饰Alex的。另外,需要注意的还有之前章节提到过的opening modifier,如tired from writing report。尽管在口语中,先说出一大段不知道修饰何物的opening modifier是不太符合规则的,但是在书面标准英语当中,这种写法是非常合理而且符合语法规则的(perfectly fine to write such a sentence)。但是opening modifier是否使用正确也是需要多加小心的,因为GMAT很喜欢在这里做文章。
1、名词修饰语的位置(Position of Noun Modifier)
每当你看到一个名词修饰语,就要先问问自己它修饰的到底是什么,然后就必须确认它是否就紧挨着这个需要修饰的名词。名词修饰语遵循的规则叫做Touch Rule。
绝大部分的情况下,一个名词和它的修饰语必须紧挨(A noun and its modifier should touch each other.)。这是有关名词修饰语的最重要的一个法则。
假如修饰语被放在靠近另外一个名词的位置,那么我们就称其为“Misplaced Modifier”。
Alex drove along a dirt road to get his girlfriend’s house, which cut through the grass land.——Wrong
在这句话中,名词修饰语which cut through the grass land在语义上应该修饰road,但是却被放在了不合适的位置上,导致了其在语法上变成了修饰house,因此造成了句子的错误。正确的写法如下:
To get his girlfriend’s house, Alex drove along a dirt road, which cut through the grass land.——Right
修改之后的例句,名词修饰语which cut through the grass land紧挨其要修饰的名词road,在语义上和语法上都是正确的表达。
除了修饰语的位置,在另外一些时候我们还会发现,我们甚至无法为一个名词修饰语找到其要修饰的名词,我们称这种修饰语为Dangling Modifier。
Resigned from current job because of misunderstanding, there was no commotion in the office.——Wrong
Resigned from current job because of misunderstanding, Alex made no commotion.——Right
在这两个例子中,名词修饰语Resigned from current job because of misunderstanding修饰的一定是一个能施加resign这个动作的名词,必须紧挨其要修饰的对象Alex,因此第二个例句中的表达是正确的。在有opening modifier的情况下,假如主句以there be开头,通常来说都是错误的,非常容易使opening modifier 变成dangling modifier。
同时,以现在分词结构作为opening modifier,也常常导致dangling modifier的形成;尽管它们实际上应该是动词修饰语(Verb Modifier,稍后的章节中会详细阐述),但是也需要有合适的主语使得句子有意义。
Checking thoroughly, the problem was finally diagnosed.——Wrong
Checking thoroughly, there are no problems any more.——Wrong
在这两个例子中,很明显我们无法为修饰语checking thoroughly找到合适的动作发出者,因为其所要修饰的对象一定是能够做check这个动作的人,而不是problems;正确的写法当然是加入施加check这个动作的人,如下:
Checking thoroughly, Alex finds the problem finally.——Right
除此以外,还有一个非常容易造成dangling modifier的句式需要牢记,如下:
Based on accounts of various ancient writers, scholars have painted a sketchy picture of the activities of an all-female cult that, perhaps as early as the sixth century B.C., worshipped a goddess known in Latin as Bona Dea, “the good goddess.”——Wrong
在这个例子当中,based on属于被动语态,但是主句的主语scholars则是主动施加动作的对象,因此就造成了dangling modifier。Based on作为opening modifier的时候,都要当心紧跟的主句名词是否与前半分句正确对应。
在GMAT考试中,也许句子的成分会复杂许多,但是名词修饰语的规则是不会变的,只要对Touch Rule有足够深的认识,并且分离出句子的主要结构,一定能够筛选出书写正确的选项。
除了Touch Rule,有关名词修饰语位置的考题中还有一类常见错误,即一长串好几个修饰语修饰同一个名词。将2个或者2个以上的修饰语并排(two long noun modifiers in a row)放在名词的同一边(都放在名词前或者都放在名词后)是错误的写法(awkward or incorrect)。
Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, having the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission is finding uses in medicine, archaeology, and criminology.——Wrong
Unskilled in computer programming, Alex’s application of Master in MFE was rejected.——Wrong
很明显,Unskilled in computer programming想要形容的是Alex,但是加了所有格以后,在语法上却变成了修饰Alex’s application,也就造成了句子的错误。
The development of this technique, originally developed for detecting air pollutants, finally leads to air pollution, ——Wrong
Originally developed for detecting air pollutants在逻辑上应该修饰technique,但是在上面的例子中,这个修饰语在语法上却修饰了The development of this technique,因此造成了错误。
由关系代词引导的修饰语叫做关系从句(国内的语法都会分为定语从句和状语从句,因为笔者经常无法分辨这些句子到底叫什么,故采用英文Relative Clause的直译“关系从句”)。关系代词包含以下几个:
WhichThatWhoWhose WhomWhereWhen
The boy that has a beautiful girlfriend is Alex.——Wrong
The beautiful girl who we met yesterday is Alex’s girlfriend.——Wrong
The beautiful girl whom we met yesterday is Alex’s girlfriend.——Right
在上面的例句中,可以看到who we met是关系从句,修饰the beautiful girl,但是将这个关系从句的语序还原应该是we met the beautiful girl,也就是说在从句中被修饰名词是作为宾语的,因此在这里的关系代词只能用whom。即使在关系代词前先有介词,也应该遵循这个规则,如短语for whom we worked等等。
The show girl whom we saw in China Joy was so hot.——Right
The show girl we saw in China Joy was so hot.——Right
由于被修饰名词the show girl在关系从句中充当宾语,因此我们既能够使用关系代词whom,也可以直接省略,两种写法都是正确的。
除了that、who等常用的关系代词外,where和in which用法上区别以及相同点也是很多考生容易混淆的。事实上where和in which的区别只有一个:当被修饰的名词是一个抽象的“地点”,如condition、situation、case、circumstance等,关系从句的引导词只能使用in which,不能使用where(尽管翻译的时候仍然翻译为类似“在…的情况下”,但必须使用in which才能引导抽象概念)。当被修饰的名词是一个具体的地点,如area、site、country、city等,那么where和in which能够通用。
They had agreement where Alex washed dishes and his girlfriend cooked.——Wrong
They had agreement in which Alex washed dishes and his girlfriend cooked. ——Right
尽管翻译的时候译为“在条款里”,但因为agreement是一个抽象的概念,而不是一个具体的地方,因此应当使用in which。
2)限制性和非限制性修饰语(Essential & Non-essential Noun Modifier)
The man who wears Ralph Lauren Polo is Alex.
在上面的例子中,who wears Ralph Lauren Polo就很明显是限制性修饰语,因为没有了这个修饰语,the man就毫无意义,翻译的时候也一定是翻译成“那个穿着Ralph Lauren Polo的男人就是Alex”,划线部分为man提供了关键的、必要的信息。
This man, who wears Ralph Lauren Polo, is Alex.
这个例子中,who wears Ralph Lauren Polo就是非限制性修饰语,因为this已经确定了被修饰对象就是“这个男人”,而不是其他男人,只是这个男人穿着Ralph Lauren Polo,这是额外信息,并不影响被修饰对象的确定。
在之前的语法学习中,笔者曾经遇到过这样的说法:限制性修饰语应该使用that,非限制性修饰语应该使用which,但是在GMAT中,这一规则无法当作排除错误选项的依据,这在OG当中有明确的说明,应该确认无疑——在OG12 689页语法第10题里有这么一段解释:
In (A) and (C), “which” introduces a restrictive clause. Some writers follow the convention that “which” can only be used for nonrestrictive clauses, but insistence on this rule is controversial, and both (A) and (C) can be rejected on other grounds.
除了意思上的区别,限制性和非限制性修饰语(关系从句)在形式上也有非常明显的差别,即在非限制性修饰语和被修饰名词之间是有逗号的,但是限制性修饰语就没有(Put commas between non-essential modifiers and their nouns; Put no commas between essential modifiers and their nouns.)。
对于为什么是否在修饰语和被修饰对象之间加入逗号是区别限制性和非限制性修饰语的依据,笔者也曾有过研究。在EB White所著的《elements of style》中在写到插入语的时候提到一条规则:enclose parenthetic expression between commas,即包围式插入语是通过在插入语前后各加入逗号的形式来表达的。这条规则的用法里有这么一句话:
If the interruption to the flow of the sentence is but slight, the commas may be safely omitted. But whether the interruption is slight or considerable, never omit one comma and leave the other.
Marjorie's husband, Colonel Nelson paid us a visit yesterday.
People sitting in the rear couldn't hear.
很明显这里的sitting in the rear就属于限制性的,定义了people是哪些人,假如去掉这个短语people就显得毫无意义了。
Those audience, which had at first been indifferent, became more and more interested.
The audience was at first indifferent. Later it became more and more interested.
In late 1997, the chambers inside the pyramid of the Pharaoh Menkaure at Giza were closed to visitors for cleaning and repair due to moisture exhaled by tourists, which raised its humidity to such levels so that salt from the stone was crystallizing and fungus was growing on the walls.
C) because tourists were exhaling moisture, which had raised the humidity within them to levels such that salt from the stone would crystallize
(E) because moisture exhaled by tourists had raised the humidity within them to such levels
The chambers were closed to visitors for cleaning and repair because tourists were exhaling moisture,