我开始以为self-reported的成绩单在deadline之前提交后,得到offer前就足够了。 后来仔细看了一下Tuck的要求。GMAT是在online application上self-report,但是官方成绩还是要在deadline之前寄送到学校的。不知道我的理解对不对。下面是原话。 “Results (scores and percentiles) should be self-reported on the application, and you must arrange to have your GMAT® Official Score Report released to Tuck by the application deadline for the round in which you apply. ” 如果我的理解对的话,提醒XDJM们要早寄送啊。
谢谢lz提到了个我都没发现的问题。 同tuck,我没太明白这所谓的you must arrange to have your GMAT® Official Score Report released to Tuck 是不是说要把那份正式的pdf文件上传给他们? 或者难道是他们要纸质版的么!!不会吧!!我压根就没要求纸质的