A great leader plays an important role in a company,in a government, and always in every level of society. Which characters shouldhave a leader to being a great leader? According the statement, I could implythat a great leader who has their own principle which uneasily impact by othersmight to success. I concede that in some field leader should rely on their ownopinion to make decision. Meanwhile, we also should consider other factors indifferent circumstance to measure the greatness of leader.
In some field, a leader`s idea would influence the developmentof whole company even the entire field. This idea should change people`s liferather be changed by popular opinion. There is a supporting example toillustrate that. Steve Jobs, who is the founder of the most influent company—Apple,is a person who has a great charisma and leadership. And he is the person whohas great principle which uneasily impacted by others. Because of his ownprinciple, under his leading, Apple provided us a series of new things fromI-pod to I-phone. So we can see that the leader who has own view might made agreat achievement.
Otherwise, is there only a leader who has ownprinciple will accomplish more than other leaders? I don`t think so. In somefield, the success of company or enterprise relies on the popular opinion suchas managing a restaurant. The greatest manager of restaurant is the one whosatisfies most people`s taste and changes their taste quickly according theresponse of popular custom`s opinion. As some proverb said: “Customer is theGod.” This proverb fully illustrates theimportant of popular opinion. The leader who could follow this proverb goodmight also made great accomplishment in many field.
Meanwhile, it is improper that a leader only considershis idea or shifted and influenced easily by others opinion. Suppose that aproduce of a company only satisfies the leader`s demands or just follows theircustoms` demands, it is hard to image that the produce would be success. At thesame reason, a government leader, especially, should care about the popularopinion and should have a principle that forcing the leader makes a decision tobenefit most people rather only benefit few one.
All in all, from theevidence provided above, I concede that a leader should have his own idea whichcould make the company he leaded developing rapidly. In some field, such as ina restaurant, leader should more consider the popular opinion in other to maketheir taste more fit to most people. And in some case, considering the popularopinion and having own principle is same important to leader. Thus, indifferent situation whether a leader could make accomplishment is unrelated towhether he could be easily and quickly impact by popular opinion. |