A. offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary
relationship between dinosaurs and birds - The best among the lot
B. offer evidence more dramatic than what has yet been discovered of the close
evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds
-What has yet been discovered- should naturally exclude the discovery under issue, so that a comparison could be made. Here it is not. You must add the word – other- and state - than what other has yet been discovered -
C. offer more dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship than any yet
discovered between dinosaurs and birds
Same as in B -relationship than any yet – should be rephrased as- relationship than any other yet-
D. have offered the most dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship
between dinosaurs and birds that have yet been discovered
- Dinosaurs and birds that have yet been discovered – fossils have been discovered and not dinosaurs and birds- wrong modification
E. have offered more dramatic evidence than any that has yet been discovered of the
close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds
Same as in B and C. -than any that has yet been – should read as -than any other that has yet been –. to make out a comparison
人家老外都是straight A,
-- by 会员 清飞扬 (2011/8/15 17:16:29)